By Anonymous - 20/08/2015 12:37 - Portugal - Lisbon

Today, I was talking to a colleague about love. He told me he's given up on love because things ended badly with a previous girl. I said, "Maybe it wasn't meant to be, and she wasn't the one." He then said the reason it didn't work out was because she killed herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 764
You deserved it 4 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amileah13 26

Don't feel bad op, you didn't know and hopefully he understood that.

OP, there's no way you have possibly known that. Apologize and maybe take him out to a nice lunch.


amileah13 26

Don't feel bad op, you didn't know and hopefully he understood that.

Alup132 22

What a bad way to break up with someone.

OP, there's no way you have possibly known that. Apologize and maybe take him out to a nice lunch.

Ouch, I bet that was awkward...Hopefully he understood and also hopefully he finds love in someone new, once he has finished grieving

Hopefully he wasn't too upset. how could you have known that?

It's not like you knew that. If you did that's just being a douche on your part but I know you didn't so it's not really your fault.

Even though that's really sad. You couldn't have known, say sorry and try to make up for it ? maybe like a lunch or something

You can't be blamed for that, your colleague never clarified as to HOW it ended badly.

Why are there more YDI votes? Are people just douchebags or something, because it's been happening a lot.

I think the site's just having problems correctly displaying people's actual votes

from what i've read you're innocent and there's nothing wrong bc you were oblivious to exactly what happened in the relationship and you did your best at the time to comfort him :-)