By anon - 16/02/2014 12:56 - Australia - Kingston

Today, I needed to borrow money from my girlfriend. I went into her bag and pulled out the money all while a lady watched me open-mouthed. Turns out it wasn't my girlfriend's bag. It belonged to the lady watching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 496
You deserved it 20 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure if it's just the wording of this, but it sounds like the OP didn't ask their girlfriend for the money, in which case YDI. If it is just the wording, then FYL, and sorry for assuming anything else.

746278Ab 14

That's really stupid... Even if it was your girlfriends bag, you should ask anyone if you are borrowing money.


746278Ab 14

That's really stupid... Even if it was your girlfriends bag, you should ask anyone if you are borrowing money.

it was probably okay with his girlfriend but a lot of bags look the same

Razi_tail 25

I have to agree, he should have asked. Most gentlemen never go through a woman's purse.

#21: That's because men would lose their minds having to sort through the various collection of junk, makeup, feminine products, and whatever else a woman can fit in her purse.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Exactly 21! Most gentlemen, myself included, do not go through our girlfriends purse. Instead we mug old ladies on the street and jack little kids piggy banks while they sleep. That's the true gentleman way! Ha!

Shit, I accidentally downvoted your comment, 44. Forgive me, people?

Bitch about our purses all you want (we need our stuff) but I've seen some guys' wallets. Some of you are just as guilty of hoarding a bunch of useless crap too. Your SS# card I can understand but what's with those outdated business cards, expired gym membership, etc... Things you've collected 10 years ago? Time to clean it out.

wtf your of guys are you hanging around the oldest thing in my wallet is a receipt i paid in credit from 2 days ago

The only way to reclaim your honor is to help your phone and computer commit seppuku

how do you know he didn't have permission?

I'm not sure if it's just the wording of this, but it sounds like the OP didn't ask their girlfriend for the money, in which case YDI. If it is just the wording, then FYL, and sorry for assuming anything else.

Damian95 16

It's an FML where if you just explain the situation and talk it out, everything should be fine. That is, assuming you didn't just take it without permission.

Even if he did ask to borrow money, he should have had his girlfriend get the money from her purse to give to him. Some of us can be very sensitive about our purses and don't want anyone going through them.

cryssycakesx3 22

jeez what do you carry in your purse that's so top secret from your own boyfriend? I'll allow my boyfriend to go into my purse for whatever, whenever he needs, as nothing in my purse is that private. money is a separate issue but that's not what everyone is losing their shit about

Were the bags incredibly similar or are you just completely oblivious?

I would assume that the bags were similar, otherwise the OP is an idiot.

Unfortunately, those options are not mutually exclusive

I would have trouble remembering my girlfriend's purse.

Well that situation escalated quickly. That's one of those moments you are in a parking lot and you jump in your car only to find out it's not your car. So awkward!

thatsucks4you 7

Ha! I've done that! So embarrassing!! Then the guy said "you could stay and I'll take you home with me." All while my boyfriend (husband now) was watching 2 cars over. Same car, similar color and it was blustery day.

Some random lady hopped into the passenger seat of my sister's car once. She even looked at my sister like she was in the wrong car before she realised what she had done.

You probably should've asked your girlfriend before borrowing her money. Still, FYL OP

She should be getting it for you anyways. Going in her purse and getting money without asking is stealing, not borrowing.

Chibitalia180 6

OP might have asked, and the girlfriend probably told him to get the money himself from her purse.

Mackay92 14

Maybe he did ask and she told him to get the money and he got mixed with the bags

"You're a dumb ass" I'm sorry. That seriously needed to be corrected .

Huh, I assumed they were going for "you're dumb as f..." But, either way.

I think 9 was using the abbreviation asf which stands for "as ****"

BradTheBrony 19

No, because they didn't use the word "you're." You do realize that "your" is a different word, right?

You think it's ok to just take money when you need it?

That's why guys need to pay attention to detail more, what their girlfriend has.

#11 It's kinda hard to keep up when girls have a lot of bags... Some girls even forget which bag they've brought with them sometimes .

Is this really normal? I have one purse at a time. I guess I'm the minority.

OP should have asked his girlfriend and get her to hand the money to him herself or tell him which/where is her bag . Can avoid misunderstandings .