By Simms - 14/03/2012 02:32 - United States
Same thing different taste
Get help, moron!
By Anonymous - 29/05/2018 15:00
Merry Xmas from the 15th Precinct!
By Anonymous - 25/12/2021 23:01
By Sarah - 07/05/2009 04:53 - United States
My day off
By Anonymous - 08/02/2024 23:00
Medicare for all, please
By thefirstcutisthedeepest - 30/09/2021 14:01
ER time
By sero - 10/08/2022 04:00 - United States - Denver
The ole paper cut excuse
By alliwantisabandaid - 11/02/2011 08:27
By karmaiguess - 18/10/2018 03:00
By Anonymous - 07/08/2015 17:31 - United States - Newark
By Anonymous - 30/06/2021 20:01
Top comments
All part of the business. Just be glad that you're far smarter than he is.
OP is a negative nancy. That could be a funny story to laugh about but instead you want to kill yourself. OP you deserve it because one it's your profession and two you choose to look at it this way.
So, did he break the sword?
You may be in the wrong profession.
I agree. If your heart's not in it, get your ass out of it.
If you don't want to work there than why do you???? Find another job what patient wants a terrible and sarcastic doctor
62- Exactly what part of the fml made him seem less than intelligent?
Nope, I would never say anything like OP said. Never. Sure, the guy was an idiot. But if something this simple is enough to make you contemplate suicide, you're in the wrong business, friend. Leave it to the rest of us who actually ENJOY caring for idiots who are too stupid to fend for themselves. Believe it or not, I care about EVERY SINGLE PATIENT of mine, no matter how stupid or how they got injured/sick. To do anything less is disingenuous and an insult to the art of medicine.
At 28, what about the doctors from scrubs?
#107 Well said Doc, well said.
This shouldn't even be on FML. If OP is working in a hospital then it should be because they want to help people. Bitching about them online is the wrong thing to do. Get out of your job if you hate it so much.
62- I take great offense to what you said. I'm currently working as an aide at a hospital. It's not glamorous, but that does not mean that I am not intelligent. Little do you know, a majority of us butt wipers are actually attending college to become physician assistants and nurses. I am talked down to by nurses all the time; i guess they don't realize that i have more of a college education than they do. Op does sound like they have a lousy attitude, which at hospitals is not uncommon. Every patient deserves respect and proper care regardless of what landed them in the hospital.
I think they were more saying that as you need to be highly intelligent to get through Med school the op who is clearly an idiot couldn't have managed it and must have a different job in the hospital. They weren't saying everyone who is an aide is stupid. Just the OP
I think OP wants a job even if he doesn't like it
so everyone who has to come to ER needs to suffer cuz some darn idiot wants a job?
41- No, I can tell you when I'm rushed to ER, I want to get in there and get fixed. I don't wanna get held up because the surgeon's too busy fixing up a ******** who stabbed his own dumb ass. People like that should fend for themselves, like smokers and the rest of the idiots that suck up my tax dollars paying for healthcare.
I want your Photo #3
41 he's not just some idiot who wants a job, being a doctor takes a pretty long time to become and not many people would be willing to go through college and university and any further studies needed just so they had a job.
46 - so nice of you to decide who should get healthcare and who shouldn't, Hitler. Triage takes care of figuring out the most critical patients.
One that's got negative points in the "smart move" category.
If your already wanting to kill yourself over that then instead of being an employee at a hospital it sounds like you should be a patient at another.
I think what she says is right, he's chosen to be a doctor by profession and they're not all going to be serious injuries like car crashes and burning houses. he's bound to get loads of silly people in, especially drunken people who have been in a fight or even jumped of a small building pretending to be superman showing off to their mates. I know that this guy is an idiot and it can be frustrating but he has the knowledge to help save people from all sorts!
Shut up u ugly! Don't know what u talking bout
Where in the fml does it say that OP is a doctor? If he was a doctor, he would've made it abundantly clear - trust me, I'm a doctor ;)
Ever talk to a homeless guy? That shit cray.
30 - Pwnt by homophones and 77.
stormer461 - Yes I am. Sorry to disappoint you.
No 77, she meant isles. Ever heard of a maritime library? Each small island (isle) is a different genre.
yeah, too bad the hospital employees with a little bit of common sense will remember very common hospital privacy laws about discussing sessions online or in person with anyone but the patients of said sessions/appointments, and hopefully figure out that failing to do so can result in a 500-600$ fine, along with being stripped of their titles and jobs
but how bad ass would it have been if he succeeded
If it was a real samurai sword and not a cheap replica, than he won't be succeeding. And if he miraculously did succeed with a real one, he would of just wasted hundreds of dollars.

You may be in the wrong profession.
All part of the business. Just be glad that you're far smarter than he is.