Bad start

By Nathan - 23/03/2009 20:09 - United States

Today, I went to see a therapist for the first time because I've been feeling depressed lately. I opened up and said everything that was on my mind. I really spilled my guts. After a good 30 minutes, her first question was, "Do you always talk this much?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 331
You deserved it 7 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually I know from expierence that this is not a lie. I went to a therapist for the same reason and she asked me what had been on my mind, I have hard time opening up to people as it is but figured that it was her job to listen (plus I was paying her enough to listen) after telling her everything and tell her how I felt, she looked at me straight in the face and told me I talked too much!

Oh, I thought people went to therapists to talk about their problems. Thanks for clearing that up for me!


ggen 0

its not a lie! i've been to a therapist my self and she was just watching the clock behind my head

alex_vik 0

Sounds like you took it the wrong way. He meant it as in 'Do you always talk about your feelings this much?'

Rabbittt 0

Maybe because it's the first session? I was forced to get therapists when I was younger and usually they go through a lot of questions and papers that you have to fill out and shit.

you should have asked "do you ever plan on getting paid?"

I've been to enough first therapy sessions to know that it's all about the therapists learning about you. It was a valid question. Clearly you have a lot going on in your life, but perhaps she wanted to know if you opened up to others and if so, what weren't you getting from your friends so that you needed to see a therapist? or if not, why not? Not everything is as it seems.

wat a douche of a therapist! get a new one... that sucks

yep...#4 is right. in a first session, you really arent supposed to spill all the beans. honestly, you were probably just so emotional at the time that you took it as an insult rather than a valid question. therapists dont become therapists by reading a few books and getting a degree. theres no way she meant it the way you think. and, why not ask the therapist "wtf?'", and have them explain or rephrase. constant babbling isnt good. give your therapist a chance to respond to what you have to say. i guess it can go either way. the people commenting have mixed responses too. i had an amazing therapist, to the extent that it wasnt even like therapy at all, just a really good, eye opening conversation. to be completely honest, you need to comfront your therapist at the next session. as much as you may be on display in a therapy session, it has to be a mutual agreement, and if you arent feeling them, dip out!

braFTW 0

It depends on the emphasis, if it was on the 'THIS'... But seriously, 30 minutes non-stoping, that's amazing!

It sounds like the question is being taken out of context. It didn't sound offensive at first to me, because it could clearly mean that she was asking if you were normally this open to people about your thoughts. This is her job, to listen to people talk excessively. Hope things turn out better for you.

cprompt 0

The therapist was trying to assess your affect through your pattern of speech, which reflects your emotional state and possible mental health. You may have had very pressured speech (speaking rapidly with a sense of urgency that seems inappropriate). If the therapist actually phrased it exactly the way you said, it was a poor choice of words, but a legitimate question.