Bad start

By Nathan - 23/03/2009 20:09 - United States

Today, I went to see a therapist for the first time because I've been feeling depressed lately. I opened up and said everything that was on my mind. I really spilled my guts. After a good 30 minutes, her first question was, "Do you always talk this much?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 331
You deserved it 7 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually I know from expierence that this is not a lie. I went to a therapist for the same reason and she asked me what had been on my mind, I have hard time opening up to people as it is but figured that it was her job to listen (plus I was paying her enough to listen) after telling her everything and tell her how I felt, she looked at me straight in the face and told me I talked too much!

Oh, I thought people went to therapists to talk about their problems. Thanks for clearing that up for me!


its true that some therapists are like that. one of my therapists told me i was depressed because i was spoiled and didnt get what i wanted. we didnt go back to her again.

It's a legit question. Your therapist needs to know if you generally talk a lot, don't really talk, etc so know what the exact problem is.

Ender_ 0

Quit talking so much then. You shouldn't express your feelings to people anyways. Like they'd understand what you're feeling anyways. Just write some poetry in your journal because it's the only thing that truly "gets" you. hahahahahhahaha /sarcasm

I definitely believe this is true - while i've never been to a therapist, i've had some pretty thoughtless doctors throughout my life :/ even eye doctors who would sigh disapprovingly/click their tongue if i got a letter wrong.

get a new therapist!! thats why psych isnt a real major its for stupid ppl who have nothing else to do with college

underscore_ 0

that's why women shouldn't be therapists

I know how you fell. True, it could be a very valid question, which may have been poorly phrased, but, then again... When I was 15, I was suicidal. After an attempt, my parents sent me to see a psychiatrist. I was physically and verbally assaulted every day at school because I was overweight, and it got to be a bit much over the years. At the end of our second session, the psychiatrist looked at me and said "You're fat, lazy, and wasting your life." I was 15. Not all psychiatrists should be psychiatrists.

crapstorm 0

I went to a therapist once, and I was told after 30 minutes or so that he couldn't help me. He didn't charge me for the session, but he didn't tell me who COULD help me. It was kind of upsetting.

feel better! and #32 thats terrible

Totally not a lie, I've had experiences like that...