Bizarre love triangle
By addicted2v - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
By addicted2v - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
By jquaw - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Brockville
By Anonymous - 28/04/2023 15:00 - Australia
By Rumors - 12/12/2013 11:27 - United States - Turtle Lake
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco
By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Austria
By toughlove - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By DB. - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By ThanksMa - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada
By confsused - 16/12/2013 17:49 - Canada - Toronto
By Wolf - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Trinidad and Tobago
Hahahahaha hahahha that's funny s*•t, I'm sorry bro but what girl will constantly go out with her BF and her brother? C'mom man. U should have known something was off
And her "brother" was willing to go along with this? That's… interesting and absolutely weird. Good luck with this crazy little love triangle lol.
Love triangles suck
That is terrible! That's what makes dating hard now a days.
I certainly hope there was some ass whuppin involved after this
Tommy boy the sequel
Who brings their sibling with them as a third wheel on a date? Really?
If you say gullible slowly it sounds like oranges.
If you say 'This is my brother', people tend to believe you. OP trusted their partner enough to believe the now obvious bullsh*t floating out of her gob.