
By Anonymous - 13/07/2009 04:02 - Canada

Today, I'd gotten home from dropping my boyfriend off when my dad said, "Your phone's been buzzing." I had a text saying, "You're grounded" from my Dad. My "Take your birth control" had been going off for a half an hour while I was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 031
You deserved it 31 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay your dad's probably an idiot. Seriously. Birth control doesn't always mean you're sexually active. If you're old enough to drive your boyfriend around (without an adult also in the car with you), you're old enough to take birth control for your own reasons. At least in my opinion. Plus, you weren't texting and driving at the same time. He should be happy about that.

So ... your Dad would rather you were irresponsible & fell pregnant? Is that what he's trying to prove? Fail Dad, Fail.


Chicostick 0

I say you deserve it for not thinking about the alarm on your phone. But your dad being so upset over you having birth control pills is ubsurd. This stupid idea of "I'll just crack down to stop my kids from having sex!" has been outdated for years and years and years. In the entire history of mankind, I'm sure this process of "my daughter isn't having sex, no matter what" has been tried and has failed countless times. It was tried in the 60's, it gave us "free love." It was tried in the 20's, it led to "flappers" who were liberal minded and sexually experimental. It's been tried again and again, and it never works, and will never work. The fact that he's mad that you're actually taking precautions and being responsible about it is ludicrous. All this crap about "well it's his house, so HIS rules go!" is idiotic. He made the decision to have kids, and now he has to support those kids until they're adults. If he doesn't like what the kids are doing, it's his own damn fault for not setting a very good example, or explaining. Most parents are to stupid to even think of discussing sex with their kids, they try and skip around it or sugar coat the issues. I wonder if your dad would even have the balls to discuss something like masturbation with you. Instead of simply talking about the difficult things, he'll take the easy way out by "grounding" you. I was never grounded in my entire life, and not once did I do anything considered "bad" because my parents are smart and talked to me about the consequences. This outdated notion that somehow we're going to prevent kids from having sex by forbidding it is moronic. I knew a girl who lost her virginity at the age of 12. Then, she got pregnant and dropped out. Do you think her father ever talked to her about sex and the consequences? Nope. She was the little angel that shouldn't hear those things, and must be punished instead of educated. So what if it's something "her dad doesn't want her to do." If everyone did what their parents told them, this world would be a pretty pathetic and boring place. Hell, my parents yelled at me once because I decided to play the trombone for crying out loud! When I won awards for it, they seemed to have forgotten their earlier consternations. Hopefully he'll realize how stupid he is and have a talk with you. But I bet he'll "stick to his guns" and continue to be a raging idiot about this. Most of our population are raging idiots about it. Guess what people, sex is a normal natural thing! And people have been doing it since people began! Just because you have some stupid notion that it's somehow dirty doesn't mean it is.

cyxx 0

Dear Chicostick: I think the dad was mostly right. But I don't have a "stupid notion that sex is somehow dirty", and I don't think kids should be punished instead of educated about sex. Sure, teaching abstinence, or as you put it "my daughter isn't having sex no matter what", doesn't work for a lot of people. But it also DOES work for a lot of people. If you do it right, i.e. talking about it, explaining the reasons behind abstinence, the possible consequences of not waiting, etc. Assuming that the OP is indeed on BC because she is having sex, the FML indicates that he kinda failed in trying to get her to not have sex. The grounding is his way of trying to make up for that. Granted, grounding in this case was kind of a bad punishment, but he is just trying to enforce the basic principle of "You do something against my rules, you get punished". Which isn't a bad thing. You sound like you're saying "well YOU decided to have kids so when they do something wrong it's totally your fault and they should go unpunished!". Which is stupid. Yeah, sure, no one does every single thing their parents have ever told them to do. But people really should listen to their parents about things this big. A lot of the time they know better, believe it or not, and there isn't much harm in waiting. Also, basic principle of childhood: when you go against your parents rules and they find out, you get punished. It's pretty simple. OP was having sex, which is obviously against her dad's rules, he found out, she got punished. Tada! Yes, sex is indeed a normal natural thing, there is nothing wrong with sex, it is not "dirty"! But it *is* a pretty big deal. I dunno about the dad in this scenario, but I personally am waiting not because I think that there's something "bad" or "sinful" about sex, but because I want to make sure I'm mature enough and in a steady enough relationship that I won't make a decision I'll regret about something this big. I'm a teenager. My brain's decision centers aren't even fully developed, for crying out loud. So I'm waiting until I'm older and I know that I'm ready to make that physical and emotional commitment. Many teenagers don't feel the way I do, evidently including the OP. Her dad, on the other hand, probably does, and he's just trying to make sure she doesn't regret having sex so young (I'm assuming she's pretty young to have her parents ground her).

Julle_fml 0

@ cyxx Well, she must be over 16 years old, because she's able to drive a car and drop her boyfriend off. I agree with some of the things you said, but I also think the father is wrong in grounding her. Of course parents can talk to their children about abstinence, but it's not something that should be forced unto them. This girl seems like a responsible young woman (using birth control, i.e.) and if she's in a relationship with a guy, and they both feel like sex is something they wanna do, then I don't think the parents should stop them. As a parent, the father could instead talk to his daughter and make sure her boyfriend isn't pressuring her into sex. He could make sure they're doing all the right things in order to avoid pregnancy, ect. But grounding her because he for some reason has a hard time facing his daughter is growing into a woman, that's not okay. - and I wouldn't say that 16+ is too young an age to be starting having sex.

cyxx 0

@Julle: That's fair - agree to disagree? :) I get what you're saying, I just don't think that 16 is old enough to make a decision about something as big as sex. I think it's very young actually - that's about sophomore year of high school. Your brain isn't even fully developed at that point. But I agree that her parents should have talked to her long before this moment. And I agree that grounding as a form of punishment was a bad idea, even though I think the idea of punishment makes sense. My opinion is that the consequences of having sex young are much worse than the consequences of waiting. Actually the only consequences of waiting I can think of are: a) you lose a boyfriend/girlfriend because they want sex and you don't, in which case you are probably better off because that's a rather shallow thing to end a relationship over, or b) not enough experience when you start, which is not that big of a deal - your partner can help you with that :P Whereas the consequences of sex before marriage (or a relationship of that caliber) include pregnancy and STIs if you aren't careful, and lifelong regret if it ended up being a bad decision, which happens a LOT. I know a lot of people who had sex young and regretted it, and also a lot of people who waited for marriage, knew they were mature enough to make that decision with someone they wanted to spend their lives with, and said it was the best thing they could've done for their relationship. Last thing: Growing into a woman =/= having sex. :)

Julle_fml 0

Yeah, I think we're gonna have to just agree to disagree ;) - I respect those people who choose to wait, and I also get your points. No, having sex is not the same as maturing and becoming an adult, but I would say that having a relationship, bonding with another person, eventually deciding to have sex with this person and taking precautions such as the pill is all part of maturation. It's making decisions on one's own and learning to detach oneself from one's parents. Yes, sometimes the person will make some bad decisions, and hopefully then the parents will be there to help and support the person. I don't think everyone should live entirely under the rules of the parents untill their brains have developed enough (the brain never stops developing. It's a life-long process), and it's finally safe for them to make their own decisions. (I realise this is an exaggerated twist on what you mean, but you get my point ;) ) But you're also very much right. A 16-year-old is at a very "fragile" point of his/her life, so the parents shouldn't just close their eyes and let their kid do whatever he/she wants. :)

I started taking the pill when i was 14 to regulate my periods. My dad and mom and everyone else in my family knew! I didnt actually start having sex until 15! So i agree with everyone saying that just cause she is on the pill doesnt mean she is having sex. but if she was hiding it from her dad then apparently she is. ps- being grounded for taking BC is retarded. At least she is being safe about her sex life!

OP why didnt you have your phone with you? and for all those who said the pill cant be used for more than just sexual reasons, your wrong people use it to reduce cramps as well as other purposes

All these people saying sex isn't dangerous, every heard of AIDS? Herpes? Gonorrhea? Plus, if she's on the pill, they might not be using condoms, which makes the chance of getting these diseases even greater. Oh, and I used to be on the pill for contraception, and I had an alarm set on my phone. I almost always remembered to take it before the alarm went off, but I wanted to be damn sure that I remembered, because I didn't want to get pregnant and have a little parasite I didn't want. Stupid? No. Responsible? Yes.

Unless her boyfriend has these diseases, or one of them is a cheater, her chance of contracting them is 0%.

skullbuster 0

OP, what does grounded mean in your house? Go ahead and check with your dad, ok? Just find out if, since you can't leave the house, is it ok if your boyfriend comes there to **** you...

kjeeezy 0

i dont get why youre grounded... im on birth control im 14. i dont even take it for sex really. tell your dad to **** himself

At least you were making an attempt at preventing pregnancy during sex. Your father's just being a bit over protective. That's good in some cases, but damn... (Maybe it's due to medical reasons and since it's a girl thing he wasn't included in on it)

macc55 2

don't forget to take it! :-)

this is more about him than you! you were being responsible - just tell him that he taught you to be responsible and you have a bright future ahead and want to make sure you are able to take advantage of it by protecting your health.

There are two sides to this. Your dad shouldn't just assume you're using the birth control for sex without asking you. However, if you aren't going to tell your dad about it, don't label the alarm "birth control pill." That's just dumb. Labeling it something more discreet like "pill" or "meds" could have prevented this problem.