
By Anonymous - 13/07/2009 04:02 - Canada

Today, I'd gotten home from dropping my boyfriend off when my dad said, "Your phone's been buzzing." I had a text saying, "You're grounded" from my Dad. My "Take your birth control" had been going off for a half an hour while I was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 031
You deserved it 31 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay your dad's probably an idiot. Seriously. Birth control doesn't always mean you're sexually active. If you're old enough to drive your boyfriend around (without an adult also in the car with you), you're old enough to take birth control for your own reasons. At least in my opinion. Plus, you weren't texting and driving at the same time. He should be happy about that.

So ... your Dad would rather you were irresponsible & fell pregnant? Is that what he's trying to prove? Fail Dad, Fail.


cyxx 0

Wow, you guys are being harsh on the dad.

sakurachan04 0

Sorry, but I'm on both ends here. FYL for having a dad that's a general douchebag about your birth control, but YDI for leaving your phone at home. Maybe you wouldn't have been grounded had your dad not seen your birth control alarm. Though I agree. If you're old enough to drive, you're old enough to take birth control.

itsgen 16

**** your dad!! ugghh he cant ground you for talking birth control your obviously not 13 years old

garfunkadellic 0

the only thing that comes to mind is that you're a **** or *****. who the hell has a ringtone that says birth control pill. how much for a night?

Her ringtone didn't say that. Her phone was on VIBRATE. Her dad checked the outside of the phone and saw the words "Birth Control Pill" on the alarm. That's all.

That's rude. You're rude. YDI, though. Lol.

cyxx 0

hahahahhaha, yeah, what #184 said. I liked your version of events though. Just picturing a ringtone like "doot da doo BIRTH CONTROL PILL! doot da doo" ... someone should make it happen

Why would you set your alarm to say "birth control pill"? My alarm on my phone says "pill" when it goes off. My sister's says "BC". Be a little more discrete about it! However, if you're being grounded still, you probably shouldn't be on birth control or having sex.

smnc 0

yaaaaaa at sucks . im on birth control bt imma virqin . its just to help with my period . hold onn ... why is he just now findinq out at you on birth control ?

why wouldnt your parents knoww? wtf you have a bad relationship with your parentsss work that outt hunnn

cyxx 0

Dear Lonely_Lez: I really wish people would stop with the whole "You are pro-abstinence? You must be a rigid Bible-thumper!" I'm not religious at all and my affiliation isn't even with Christianity anyway. I am pro-abstinence. I am not pro- abstinence-only-education. See the difference? I know it's possible she's not having sex and the BC is for other things, but I don't think this would've been an FML if she had been able to explain it for a medical reason. Are you serious? You think she'll cut her parents out of her life just because they don't want her to have sex at a young age? Um... no. But I agree that grounding is an ineffectual punishment. I think she should've been punished somehow though. Open discussion is wonderful. Fear tactics are stupid. I agree. I think her parents should've talked with her frankly about this topic long before this moment. I also think her parents probably know better than her, through life lessons, and they are just trying to stop her from making a choice that she lives to regret. And she should have listened. I know so many people who had sex early (even when they did it responsibly) and regretted it for the rest of their lives because the high school/college boy they did it with ended up being a jerk who they never saw again. And the stories are a lot worse when they *didn't* do it responsibly. On the other hand I also know a lot of people who waited for marriage (or a relationship of about that caliber), knew they were mature enough to make that decision with a partner who they wanted to spend their lives with, and said it was the best thing they could have done for their relationship. I just think it's so much more special that way. That's all. Point is, the consequences of having sex young are a lot worse than the consequences of waiting. However, I agreed with you on a lot of things here, so I really don't know what it is about my opinion that you oh so "actively disagree with"....

See here's a magical thing called when your parents ground you, you say **** you and do what you want. It's really quite simple.

yeah I know! and then you wake up the next day with no food, clothing, or shelter. I love it!