
By Anonymous - 13/07/2009 04:02 - Canada

Today, I'd gotten home from dropping my boyfriend off when my dad said, "Your phone's been buzzing." I had a text saying, "You're grounded" from my Dad. My "Take your birth control" had been going off for a half an hour while I was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 031
You deserved it 31 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay your dad's probably an idiot. Seriously. Birth control doesn't always mean you're sexually active. If you're old enough to drive your boyfriend around (without an adult also in the car with you), you're old enough to take birth control for your own reasons. At least in my opinion. Plus, you weren't texting and driving at the same time. He should be happy about that.

So ... your Dad would rather you were irresponsible & fell pregnant? Is that what he's trying to prove? Fail Dad, Fail.


Oh Jesus christ... what rock has your father been living under? Didn't the pill stop being the symbol of promiscuity in, like, 1975?

cyxx 0

Well I can kinda see both sides of this issue, but since everyone is going apesh*t over how the dad is SO TOTALLY COMPLETELY wrong ... Sure the pill could be for something else, but IF it's not, the point is that the girl's having sex. Yes she's being responsible, that's very nice, but it doesn't change the fact that she is having sex, which is obviously something her father doesn't want her to do. Hence the grounding. Saying that her dad is wrong to punish her because she was using protection is like saying he would be wrong to punish her if she had gone out and gotten wasted/stoned BUT she got someone to drive her home. The fact that she didn't drive under intoxication is nice and all, but it doesn't make up for the main point of the alcohol/drug abuse. Likewise, the point is that she's having sex, whether she's using protection or not.

Not really the same. Binge drinking, taking drugs etc are all potentially dangerous and/or illegal. If her father were to find she'd been doing this, naturally he'd be concerned and the punishment would be for her own good. He's trying to protect her from things which pose a real, factual threat. Punishing her purely because she does something that goes against his moral/religious ideals, just because she doesn't share them, is ******* ridiculous.

cyxx 0

It's not "******* ridiculous" - She's still young enough to live with her parents. She should still be listening to them. That's not to say she's not allowed to form her own opinions or that she has to follow their instructions to the t, but the point is that she is probably still a child, she broke her parents' rules, so they punished her. The analogy was just to point out that, to put it poorly, doing a small good deed doesn't cancel out a big bad deed. But you're right, sex isn't physically dangerous like alcohol/drug abuse. But from the father's point of view this punishment IS for her own good. He probably just wants her to wait until she is mature enough and in a stable enough relationship to make a well thought out decision about sex, because it's such a big deal (at least most people think it is). Many teens make rash choices about sex that they regret later.

My parents would much rather me get a ride home from someone or to call them for a ride home if I am under the influence... and if that were ever to happen, then they wouldn't ground me. They would definently talk to me about it and tell me it was a bad choice, but my parents just want me to be SAFE; just like how my mom wanted me to use birth control because she knows that no matter how many times she scolds me or punishes me or tells me not to have sex, if I want to have sex then I'm going to. So she just wants me to be safe about it. The point is, her dad shouldn't have been mad at her for trying to be safe. It could have been much much worse.

littlebopeep10 0

I agree with cyxx. Daddy pays the bills, kid follows his rules. Sounds fair to me. She has plenty of time to do whatever she wants when she's older, more mature, and financially responsible for herself.

You're making an enormous judgment there #86. You don't know how mature the OP is, or whether she's contributing to the household income. I'm almost 22 and I live with my parents (i have previously had my own place)... does my dad rule my life?

Sex is also potentially dangerous and in some cases illegal, SimpleSimon.

Lets not assume that she's all that young because she lives with her parents. That's not fair. I'm 20 and I still live at home with my mum and dad while I'm going to school - and I'd like to think that's old enough for me to make decisions about my own sex life, thanks. Yes, her dad might not like it, but if she's over the age of consent it's not really any of his business anyway. The only rule he'd have any right to set is 'not in my house'. If she's not over the age of consent, then yes, he has every right to ground her. Although, he should have had a rational conversation with her and found out the facts about the situation before just grounding her, especially as she's clearly adult enough to get herself birth control so she's being rational about it (whether or not she's actually having sex...). And to the people asking why she hadn't told her dad she was on birth control to begin with, ask yourself this: Do you really want to discuss that with your dad? I mean, I don't know about you all, but I'm not a huge fan of the idea of discussing my sex life with my parents... especially my dad. I love them, but there are some things I really don't feel like sharing.

cyxx 0

#79 You are missing the point, which is, to put it crudely, that doing a small good deed does not cancel out a big bad deed. Yes using birth control is a good idea. But the point is she's having sex which I'm assuming is something that her dad does not want her to do at that age. Hence the punishment.

Just because she is taking birth control does not necessarily mean that she is having sex.

#61, just because she is living with her parents doesn't mean she is a child. I don't know what the age you can drive without an adult in the car is in Canada but in Australia it is around 19-20 so if she's driving her boyfriend around and her dad is at home then there is a very large chance that she isn't a child. Also why is the first paragraph of every one of your comments the exact same?

rayrayy_fml 0

That's ridiculous. So your Dad would feel better finding out randomly that you weren't responsible enough to take birth control and you wound up pregnant and unprepared? He's not going to stop you from being sexually active, no matter how many times he grounds you, so he should be proud you're being mature and responsible about it, at least. And even if you're not sexually active, there are PLENTY of reasons why women can take birth control like regulating periods, calming cramps, controlling acne, etc. Your Dad is an idiot, no offense. He should probably leave that sort of thing to your mother, if she's around.

It's ******* birth control. That doesn't mean that she is having sex all the time. Ph and btw, sex isn't a bad thing for you pain in the ass parents.

cyxx 0

Of course it's not a bad thing. But it's a big deal and I think a lot of parents want their kids to wait until they're mature enough and in a steady enough relationship that they don't make a rash decision that they regret later.

Stevieebabyy 0

FYL indeed. I would lie to my mother and tell her that I use it to make my period go away since I get it for two weeks at a time. Then I would make her explain it to my dad. You're dad needs a reality check. Maybe you've had sex like once and are on the pill.

The real issue here is not whether or not she's having sex, or if she's old enough or responsible enough or whether her dad should have grounded her. It's that she's ******* stupid enough that she has to set her phone to remind her to take her ******* pill. I manage it every day without an alarm, it's really not that hard. On the other hand, making a big deal of the time the pill is taken is really only necessary if it is for contraceptive purposes. *shrug*

Without setting an alarm, it's easy to lose track of the exact time. I used to just take it whenever, but now it's the only form of contraception I use, so I make damn sure I take it at the exact same minute every day. Setting an alarm doesn't make her stupid if she's using it for the purpose it's named for.

Well, technically, you've got a few hours either side. But if it's that important, you should be able to remember on your own.

That's like saying that if it's so important to get to work on time, why should you have to set an alarm to wake up in the morning? Not everyone has a perfect internal clock. Alarms exist for convenience, so I don't see how it's stupid to take advantage of the tools one has available. In this case, it prevents the off chance of a potentially life-changing mistake.

bexox 0

I lose track of time easily. It's not because I'm stupid, I'm usually just doing something around 10 so I don't thing about it. Some days I remember it, some days I get wrapped up in other things. I suppose that makes me an idiot?

I dont understand why your Dad would ground you for taking precautions not to get pregnant. If you're underage then it's different circumstances and your dad should ground you, but if you're old enough I don't see the problem.

It seems like everyone here is forgetting that fathers own the property deeds to their daughters' vaginas. He only sells those deeds to her husband, when she gets married. Sheesh, kids these days, forgetting basic facts.

Well, you didn't need to name your alarm something that obvious. Mine just says 'Alarm', but the tune is 'Meds' by Placebo so I know what it's about :P However, assuming you're old enough to be having sex, YLIF for having such a dad that grounds you for trying to be safe...

Ahaha, "Babyyyyy, did you forget to take your meds?" How appropriate XD

I know, that's why I chose it xD Mine and my boyfriend's little joke.

fili450r 0

doesnt some bcp regulate periods or something??? i wouldve lied out of my rear and said it was for that...