
By Anonymous - 13/07/2009 04:02 - Canada

Today, I'd gotten home from dropping my boyfriend off when my dad said, "Your phone's been buzzing." I had a text saying, "You're grounded" from my Dad. My "Take your birth control" had been going off for a half an hour while I was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 032
You deserved it 31 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay your dad's probably an idiot. Seriously. Birth control doesn't always mean you're sexually active. If you're old enough to drive your boyfriend around (without an adult also in the car with you), you're old enough to take birth control for your own reasons. At least in my opinion. Plus, you weren't texting and driving at the same time. He should be happy about that.

So ... your Dad would rather you were irresponsible & fell pregnant? Is that what he's trying to prove? Fail Dad, Fail.


You're being grounded for being responsible?

So in his mind getting preggers is better than being safe? Plus some people, including me, use it for their periods.

No one cited the best FML ever? Birth control time, birth control time, take your pillor I'll say it ain't mine!

Ok I'm pretty sure his point is she (if still in hs) shouldn't be sexually active period, which is very true..

Your dad's an ass. If you're old enough to have periods, you're old enough to medically control them--and he should trust you enough to know that you're not going to have sex until you're ready. I hope he pulls his head from his ass soon, OP.