Captain Badass

By NotAsToughAsHeThinks - 14/02/2011 03:25 - United States

Today, a man pulled me violently into an alleyway and informed me I was being mugged. Being a body-builder, I said, "Oh yeah? Go on then." He kicked my ass in a matter of seconds, stole my wallet, then farted on my bruised face. He called me a wimp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 162
You deserved it 54 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your ego appears to be bigger than your muscles.

i know it would suck being mugged but just because your a body builder dont mean you can kick everyones ass


FruityLoooons 8

Why do I find this to be bullshit?

IamJustaRapper 0

ha..what a fail. you tried to scare him off by acting hard, while the complete opposite happened. win for the mugger. muscles aint shit without skills to back it up.

MexxSicko 1

At least he didn't rape you, you probably couldn't have stopped that either. What do you bench a cool 40 pounds.

#53 -- not entirely true...>< you can't stick everyone into the same group. however, i think that there is a difference between "cosmetic muscle" and "practical muscle." |the kid|

It could have ended much worse for you. Be grateful that it didn't.

You should've kicked him in the 'nads. Your pride would have been bruised, perhaps, but that's a lot better than bruised pride AND face. |D

Well built body isn't much without Krav Maga expertise ;)

Lol nice. Should have posted it higher up though. Even though most people won't get it...