Challenge accepted

By friskeyk14 - 04/10/2011 07:04 - United States

Today, I showed my boyfriend a calendar, marked with the number of times we've had sex over the past month. Then followed by a calendar of the month before, which had almost triple the number of hits. I had to point out that our stats need to improve. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 019
You deserved it 19 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure if a calender and calculations works on him, but to me that just sounded like a total mood kill

I appreciate the fact that you're keeping score and wanting MORE sex, but if I was your boyfriend, I'd be a little weirded out that you're keeping score.


Go ahead and mark me down for next Tuesday, email me your address.

You know what really needs to improve? Your social life... I mean, if you're taking the time to mark down when you had sex, you need help. And friends.

Bently24 6

Actually I think this is an fml for the op. Maybe her man is: a. lazy loser or b. exhausted workaholic. Either way he was slacking and she thought what about a visual aide? Plus sex is f'ing important in any relationship.

Keeping a sex calendar is creepy. No wonder he won't touch you.

Last month: Three-hump chump This month: One-hump chump Next month: Too late. He already spilled.

maybe he had a rash of herpes outbreaks he needed to clear up first?

Fyl for keeping count. It's not a's a lot more enjoyable when BOTH people are in the mood anyways. So stop your nagging freak

I like you dee. You are smart. Not like this dumbass who keeps count of probably what aren't even good sex sessions