
By FMLTIMESTWO - 10/06/2009 04:36 - United States

Today, I found a dead bird on my windshield. Thinking I was clever, I turned on my windshield wipers to get the bird off. Unfortunately, the dead bird fell through my open window and onto my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 557
You deserved it 61 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even dead animals deserve respect. YDI for being disrespectful, and obviously not as clever as you thought.

KwitIt 0

I'm surprised it didn't just smear dead bird all over your windshield. Gross. You got kinda lucky.


fretforyerlatte 0

YDI for treating a dead animal like that. you're not going to get the plague if you pick it up and drop it in the grass. you don't have to dig a grave and sing a dirge, but don't treat it like a pile of its own shit. and as for roadkill, no i don't scrape it up and bury it, but i do try to avoid running over it again.

Just pick it up and throw it somewhere. I have cats so I deal with dead birds all the time. They generally go over the fence to the foreclosed house behind us.

ok, how the **** did that even happen?? Do your windshield wipers reach around your car or something? How does the bird get wiped from your windshield into your window??

ahaha 43 pre-edit is hilarious!! And IDK... I went with YDI on this one, because that's just mean. I'm assuming it was a small bird, so it's not that hard to take a plastic bag, pick it up, and put it in the garbage.

aquarius6 0

Duh if u didn't want to touch it u could have taken off really fast??

Is it that hard to grab a stick and shove it off if you were too lazy to grab a paper towel or plastic bag? If you're comfortable eating a burger, you should be able to deal with something that died of natural causes.