Dad jokes
By phoenix101 - 16/05/2011 05:40
By phoenix101 - 16/05/2011 05:40
By at least put on sexy underwear - 01/09/2023 20:00
By T-Guy - 03/07/2011 03:01 - United States
By beaverless - 02/05/2011 20:26 - United States
By georgiahick - 30/12/2010 14:09
By cortanaisahobot - 19/07/2012 20:29 - Canada - Toronto
By milked - 27/02/2015 05:28 - United States
By yourmainman - 28/01/2013 05:03 - Canada
By ??? - 12/10/2020 08:00 - United States
By oops999 - 19/11/2013 19:46 - United States - Downingtown
By Firepussy911 - 14/06/2018 06:22
I don't know about anyone else, but if I had a boyfriend and he did this, I would greatly appreciate it. This is a sweet and funny gesture and could rekindle the passion they used to have. But I suppose some people don't appreciate certain brands of humor. I guess it's just a matter of knowing what your significant other finds funny. (If she didn't find this funny, I don't know if she would find ANYTHING funny. :/)
Jeepers, what a wet blanket. She needs to get a sense of humour!!
Oh, you are amazing lady! If I tell you my name, would you know intimate details about my life too? Also, to a lot of other comments here, why are you assuming her wanting to "spice things up" means he's necessarily bad in bed? It could mean any number of things. OP was just trying to put a smile on his girlfriend's face.
oh my gosh. I love you. how did she think that wasn't hilarious?
Again, it takes two to keep a sex life exciting. I don't consider pushing the responsibility onto your partner to be "a sincere effort." If she doesn't take some initiative too-- and I'm talking about actually *doing* something new herself, not just asking him to-- she's got little room to criticize his attempts at fun.
haha this is hilarious and would have definitely done anything u wanted
Wow how funny did you really think that was???
Wow, that's a poor sense of humor. Tell her to grow up and take a joke.
sounds spicy