Door knocking

By firewait - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I gave my 16 year-old step-daughter and her friends a lecture on respecting other people's privacy. Two hours later, I accidentally walked into her room without knocking. She and her friends were giving each other bikini waxes. Now her friends call me "the hypocritical pervert." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 640
You deserved it 80 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i'd be more concerned that her and her friends give each other bikini waxes

Well the pervert thing is unjustified, but seriously, you can't tell her off for not respecting other people's privacy and then just walk into her room without knocking. Just apologise to her and let it serve as a reminder for next time to think before you go in there. She's a 16 year old girl, be glad she wasn't doing anything worse when you walked in!


rwarlol 0

were they hot? and can i have one of their numbers?

Unless you knew what they were doing, which I doubt, you're not perverted. It's kind of weird for them to do together anyway. Although it's not weird to wax at their age. It IS almost summer, it's weirder to leave the bush untamed. >_> Also, always knock, it saves you trauma as well.

There is nothing wrong with waxing, saying getting a bikini wax is wrong is like saying shaving is wrong. She's sixteen and with the warm weather coming not waxing and wearing a bikini would just be disgusting.

you REALLY deserved that. Ass. Always knock.

jnic 0

what the **** is wrong with everyone having something against the bikini waxing? it'd be far worse and more disturbing to have a beard sticking out of your swimsuit. guess what, girls at that age have pubes, and probably already have for years, get over it. also, waxes can be scary, especially to do alone, and people get bikini waxes done at salons all the time by strangers. so what's wrong with friends doing it? besides the obvious problems here... why were you lecturing her friends too, aka OTHER PEOPLE'S kids?

BB_baby 0

if its YOUR house you dont HAVE TO knock....

You're the father.. you can do whatever the hell you want. and why the hell were they giving each other bikini waxes?!

Well, you are hypocritical. And a pervert. So, YDI. Learn to be a better parent, asshole.

i think you might be forgetting the difference between a bikini wax and a brazillian? you can do a bikini wax with your undies on

agree with 172 wow. i'll bet the majority of the fml-readers are little teenage boys and girls who are going through their rebellious phase otherwise there'd be more "I agree, your life is fcked" and although your life shouldn't be that bad; what happened wasn't your fault. Your step daughter should have known better than to leave her door unlocked IF she was doing something like that. And its not like he walked into the room with the intention of spying on them.