
By O-|---<=~ - 18/10/2013 23:01 - United States - Bellingham

Today, my otherwise lovely boyfriend of a month showed his true colors. He freaked out when he learned that I use tampons instead of pads. He yelled that using them is like cheating on him, because his penis is the only thing that should ever enter me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 909
You deserved it 5 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now wait until he finds out about your vibrator.

He should really stop and think about whether or not he wants to compare the size of his equipment to a tampon, and claim that the tampon is winning.


That is about as WTF as I can imagine. If his dick is smaller than a tampon, then maybe he has something to be insecure about.

Yes because with all the pleasure that comes with putting a tampon in, who needs a boyfriend?

MsMourningStar 22

He is clearly still a boy. Drop him and find a man. A man wouldn't pull that kind of crap, he'd buy you tampons and understand that you prefer them. And it would in no way make him feel bad about himself.

novapine 19

seriously? if he can't comprehend that his penis won't stop the blood gushing out of your ****** every month because your uterus is having a hissy fit because it doesn't have a fetus in it, tell him to kiss your ass and move on. guys like that are tools who don't deserve gf's.

This is a red flag........I'm sorry but RUN!! Please.

He has a valid point. You being his woman, you are his property!

missbitch1993 7

I sadly know exactly how you feel. my ex said the same thing to me