
By Anonymous - 06/12/2010 22:53 - United States

Today, I decided to take a nap in the university library. I felt like I'd only closed my eyes for a minute, when a guy woke me up to tell me that I'd been farting in my sleep for the last half hour, and that the librarian was becoming concerned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 957
You deserved it 9 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have booked it out of there. Your gas speaks volumes about you. Don't shelf this issue- I would get your colon checked periodically.

I always thought that stood for "Lockheed Martin Astronautics Operations," but it all makes sense now!


Well... A bit disgusting. Sucks to be you, or your friend, or family member. I'm ashamed of you just reading this.

7 - You realize when in certain stages of sleep, your muscles do relax... therefore OP need not have a "loose bunghole" in order to have farted in their sleep...

Did I ever say they didn't fart? Don't think so it's just not very ladylike...

Damn right, we don't. Edit: Alex - It's a natural bodily function. While it's true men AND women should be polite and do it in another room (or something...), shit happens. Things slip. Who cares?! It's like a lady slipping out a burp. Shit happens!

#86 "Not very ladylike?" Oh, please...It's not very polite for EITHER gender to fart in public if they can help it. But, it's just a necessary bodily function that everyone does... Edit: 5t3ff1k4h beat me to it and said it better than I did! Haha. :P

Nerds - Sorry. :P Although, I find it amusing that you believe I said it better, yet I got voted down. Sad times ensue... Hahaha.

#93 Haha, aww! Sympathetic shoulder pat*

simple_idiot_6 6

My sister does the same thing when she sleeps too. *sigh* It must be really awkward to go to that library now. O.o

skyeyez9 24

This fml and the other fart incident where a girl thought she could drop her math book during class (but her timing was off) are the BEST fart fmls!