Get on with it

By deflated - 09/08/2009 16:54 - Ireland

Today, as my girlfriend was dropping me home, our goodbye kiss got kind of heavy. Still parked in my drive, we had fast, frenzied sex. After, we realised that she had never put the hand brake on and that we had rolled down my drive, blocking my dad who was patiently waiting to pull in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 823
You deserved it 59 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Escapist28 0

I think technically he was waiting for you to pull out.

Maddoctor 10


brittrox 0

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mojo5678 5

How did any of that statement make sense. You're an idiot and please keep your idiotic thoughts to yourself.

You are not awesome and your comment didn't even make any sense whatsoever!!!!

Did your dad tell you to Get A Room? Or did he just ground you? DUMB!!!

Jbomb01 0

Not terrible, at least you didn't hit your dad rolling back, that would have made the night go even worse.

Good thing it was fast don't want him to wait to long on you ;)

ladywaldo 0

Lmao good stuff man good stuff!!!!!!!

My thoughts exactly. Wouldn't you notice the car rolling backwards??

manmoosewaffel 0

your a bitch. the dude was just gettin laid. Dont be mad just because your so undesirable. Dont yell at an irish person for gettin laid. Its bad luck :) ha. but your still a bitch 68 :)

derekjeter92 0

YDI... idiots how do u not know ur rolling, idc if u were having sex

jubee 0

That's an interesting story.

Gavik 0

Probably fake if you didn't notice you rolled back 50 feet, but still awesome.

who the hell has a 50 foot driveway?

777888777 0

..............i deffinately have a 400 foot driveway? why is 50 so surpriseing to you?