
By kdehshaden - 30/04/2012 08:25 - United States

Today, after a lot of begging, I finally convinced my husband to shave all of his pubes off. Now I can't even look at it without laughing, and he's mad at me for making him do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 645
You deserved it 56 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats just ****** up. You push him to do something he obviously didn't want to do, then you laugh at him for it.

I'd be pissed too. You convince him to do something and then laugh at him for it? Not okay.


This is comment shows the true dark side of Noor

wlddog 14

Awesome post. Just awesome. What's the deal with your picture? You getting away from the crazy nun idea and runnin with zombie nun now?

You better watch out. He already through out the mangy rug, next he will pack his two bags put on his helmet and leave.

RedPillSucks 31

Am I the only one thinking that his "two bags" are his balls, and "helmet" is some sort of condom? erm..., Just me? *slinks back into wanker land*

perdix 29

How hairy was he that you couldn't tell how ridiculous the shaved junk would look like?

RedPillSucks 31

You'll starve unless you get off FML. BTW Noor, that pic is a very disturbing contrast.

Zombie Noor, I'm going to have to shoot you to stop the spread of infection. I'm sorry. *takes aim*

challan 19

Noor, you remind me of Betty White. You never expect a sweet old lady to say anal but then she spits it out. ;)

RedPillSucks 31

I hope you can give a ******** while laughing, because you owe him one. I think the giggling sensation on his balder-dick will give him a thrill. Of course, if you can give him a bj with your eyes closed...

perdix 29

Unless she has a transparent pussy, she should find a warm place to hide the funny-looking penis and not have to look at it!