
By kdehshaden - 30/04/2012 08:25 - United States

Today, after a lot of begging, I finally convinced my husband to shave all of his pubes off. Now I can't even look at it without laughing, and he's mad at me for making him do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 645
You deserved it 56 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats just ****** up. You push him to do something he obviously didn't want to do, then you laugh at him for it.

I'd be pissed too. You convince him to do something and then laugh at him for it? Not okay.


Why is this an FML??? It should be an FMHL, fuckmyhusbandslife.

red225 14

That's just're a bitch

I prefer for my boyfriend to keep his grass cut, and he have no problem doing it.

dougiewhale 6

At least it looks bigger now!

eyecon502 13

I don't see what the big deal is...I'm a "well groomed" man for good reasons. ;-)

perdix 29

Noor, even worse is that the OP is going to have to be diligent about her anal waxing. When he was hairy, he couldn't tell whose muff he was bumping, but now that he's bald, there will be no doubt.

X_Codes 11

Three words: naked mole rat.