Hangry time

By ohforcheese - 19/01/2012 20:19 - United States

Today, I learned that when microwaveable pizzas say, "Caution, hot after cooking" what they really mean is that you should be prepared for the cardboard tray to fall apart when you try to pick it up and that boiling hot cheese is going to run down your arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 635
You deserved it 8 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spottedfeather 7

Why was the cardboard still under the pizza ? That's kind of a dumb move to put that in the microwave.


Next time don't be so lazy and bake your own.

KiddNYC1O 20

I'm guessing you haven't tried DiGiorno?

TalkingTowelTim 0

You live and you learn. Now you learned that when something says its hot, chances are it'll be hot.

hateevryone 14

I know that comment has been used on this page about three-hundred times.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

The only paper that should be going into a microwave should be in the form of a plate. I feel your pain, OP. Though I didn't hurt myself when it happened, only my ego and appetite.

Oh man that must be horrible, but why did you leave the cardboard?

i learned that when i put my first pizza in the microwave at age eight

Cardboard tray? That piece of cardboard is only there to hold the ''pizza'' before it's sealed and frozen. Seriously, no one ever taugh you how to use kitchen appliances? Or even ''water + paper = not good'' Wow!

KiddNYC1O 20

A lot of microwaveable pizzas come with some kind of cardboard to use in microwave.

Spottedfeather 7
KiddNYC1O 20

YES THEY DO!! Arrghhh *smashes stuff*

desireev 17

The Red Baron mini pizzas come with a cardboard tray that has a silver side that helps cook the pizza. It even says on the box to use the cardboard tray instead of a plate. And the pizza is yummy as well! :)

KiddNYC1O 20

Yes. So does Celeste, Jeno's, DiGiorno etc.

loller27 6

How does a microwave make cheese boil? And how does said boiling cheese roll down an arm?

Schizomaniac 24

The concepts of heat transfer and gravity might help address your inquiries. Don't think too hard, though.

KiddNYC1O 20

Really? What kind of microwave do you use?

Schizomaniac 24
KiddNYC1O 20

Sharp. How about, the one who my question was originally directed at, #56?