Hangry time

By ohforcheese - 19/01/2012 20:19 - United States

Today, I learned that when microwaveable pizzas say, "Caution, hot after cooking" what they really mean is that you should be prepared for the cardboard tray to fall apart when you try to pick it up and that boiling hot cheese is going to run down your arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 635
You deserved it 8 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spottedfeather 7

Why was the cardboard still under the pizza ? That's kind of a dumb move to put that in the microwave.


Microwavable stuff is endowed with the fiery fury of hellfire and destruction, ever tried to eat a pizza roll right off the microwave? Not fun

GoW_Chick 14

That was a hot tip they offered, next time listen and use caution, so you don't have to make such a scorching discovery.

lksdliz 9

Cook real food next time, don't eat microwaved garbage!

ninjabunny56 0

Thats why you wait a couple mins after it goes ding

You are supposed to take it off the cardboard and put it on a ceramic plate. But I'm sorry, OP!