Keeping it real

By mchhhoi - 20/07/2009 06:18 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and were I getting it on in his bedroom where he had all of his anime models on display. I accidentally knocked over one of his models and it fell on to the floor. He got angry and kicked me out. Apparently, making his models look good was more important than us making love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 641
You deserved it 13 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a difference between dating a fan and dating a FREAKING WEEABOO.

I hate guys like this who make anime fans look bad. If they're that important, why would they be anywhere near his bed? I collect things and understand that what may not seem precious to many others would be very precious to the owner, but this is ridiculous. Don't keep important shit near your bed if you know you'll be getting some!


If you knocked over Spike, Motoko, or Yagami Light, you totally deserved it.

Annoying and obsessive as he may be, I can see where he might be coming from. Figure modelling is an extremely expensive and time consuming hobby. For all you people know, that could have been a Perfect Grade $200 model of a very rare mobile suit...that he just finished putting the finishing color touches on. I know I'd get very pissed if someone knocked one of my Lego creations over (though I prolly wouldnt kick them out).

danimani_fml 0

honestly people who like anime scare the **** out of me.

danimani_fml 0

yuck people like that, are just argh. why do people get so obsessed with that shit watch a ******* tv show get addicted read tabloid mags get addicted anythig but being obsessed is pathetic. Draw a line or at least do it in private. stop dressing up like, collecting, going to anime clubs, I say cut it at reading and watching it and maybe drawing but still. I bet this guy goes to those conventions and puts on a racoon tail and cat ears. ******* no. YDI. I'm assuming your into that shit to or else I hope you wouldn't even consider being with him. take this as a lesson... move the **** on with your life and date a normal person. I promise you no guy you should be with would even stop to see what fell, much less kick you out. I hope this kid at least had the balls to finish, if not with you then probably to his hurt anime doll. or maybe even an adult manga(: yippie

YDI. You should've saw it coming seeing all those models in his room.

I don't think its any of your business if people want to do what they enjoy.What if you enjoyed doing something and I told you to stop because, I simply didn't like it. I've been to a convention, I didn't dress up because it's too expensive and time consuming, but I enjoy seeing people put time into what they enjoy. If people want to dress up and go out like that, then they can do it, because last time I checked it was a free country, not led by someone like you. I don't see why people have such a problem, its people like you who bring down others that annoy me.

People defending this guy... LISSEN UP. My guy is into anime. He watches it occasionally, sometimes more often, and actually likes it. He follows some storylines closely and sometimes buys the DVD's/mangas/figurines. However, he also switches off the anime when people come over, and actually leaves his bedroom if some of his friends invite him. He keeps his expensive stuff away from anywhere where people will go, like on a shelf, or in the closet. He also spends his money on more than just anime stuff. (Guitars, drums, and concerts, mostly) Basically, he's a fan, but not obsessive. If OP's boyfriend was like that, then I'd have more sympathy. but OP's boyfriend is... gross. And people defending him... Ugh.

yumpinyiminy 0

She didn't say anything about it breaking, she said that it fell. Unless the model was made of porcelain, it probably didn't break.

And @ 130+131 : Most people who like anime and manga are normal. The really messed up ones you see on tv are shown that way for rating purposes or they don't really like anime and manga, but are just plain attention ******. Or druggies. Either way works.

thelonelylurker 0

It takes a lot of effort and time to construct a nice model for display. Well, FYL that he's quick to anger.

username894 0

Wow, let's maybe stop hating the "anime freaks". I would almost say you're worse than homophobes (at least half of you are homophobes anyway). I could write a whole paragraph here about how wrong you are, but I honestly don't care enough, because you're just a bunch of ignorant jerks who judge people based on their personal interests. You're not making any friends, but I guess that's the whole point of hating people, isn't it? Good luck with that.

pistonchamp159 0

HE IS A FAG. and anyone who is an anime freak is too.

No. We're not. At least, I'm not. I don't judge people based on their interests. I've mentioned before, I don't CARE if you like anime. I have friends who do, and they're very cool people. I don't care if you like something weird (I, myself, and obsessed with making small stuffed animals) It's when what you like becomes your whole life, that's where I draw the line. WoW, I have nothing against. People who spend gratuitous amounts of time playing Wow, I can handle. People who put WoW before EVERYTHING (Friends, work, girlfriend...Ughhhh ex-issues =/ ) Are the epitome of stupid. The same goes for anime. Liking it is fine. Watching it all the time and having it be one of your favourite things to watch/do, also fine. Kicking the only girl willing to have sex with you in a million years out of your house for knocking over a figurine (Which, if it IS that expensive, shouldn't be anywhere NEAR your bed, where it could get knocked over) is over. the. line. Case and point.

danimani_fml 0

Actually your right people deserve to do what they want. But still it's weird when people dress up with tails and cat ears at school. I mean were in college come on. I've seen people wear that shit to work too. Also most of those people treat me like I'm going to completely bash them for what they like when really I used to be like obsessed with one of those shows on like adult swim when I was way younger. Also I'm not popular, nor do I bash people I'm one of the most excepting people I know. I'm also not a homaphobe. Gah it sounds weird deffending myself and back tracking on fml. but honestly I take back what I said in those above comments. because I like love tabloid magazines and my bf and his mom were making fun of me and I was like wow really? so it's not like now I understand it's more like If someone likes something respect that. but kicking a girl out for knocking it over (during sex if I'm reading this correctly) for me is taking it to an extreme.