Keeping it real

By mchhhoi - 20/07/2009 06:18 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and were I getting it on in his bedroom where he had all of his anime models on display. I accidentally knocked over one of his models and it fell on to the floor. He got angry and kicked me out. Apparently, making his models look good was more important than us making love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 642
You deserved it 13 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a difference between dating a fan and dating a FREAKING WEEABOO.

I hate guys like this who make anime fans look bad. If they're that important, why would they be anywhere near his bed? I collect things and understand that what may not seem precious to many others would be very precious to the owner, but this is ridiculous. Don't keep important shit near your bed if you know you'll be getting some!


Those models can be pretty expensive. And if someone broke something that belongs to you out of carelessness, you'd be pissed too.

yumpinyiminy 0

Dump him. He's probably convinced that the only girl for him is Rei Ayanami anyway, so it's unlikely the relationship was going anywhere. :P

depends on how much the figure costs lol yeah i would be pissed if mine got knocked (i spent a fortune to get it).. but yeah he's over reacting....

oh yeah.... to all the guys saying otakus are fags....... "only real man who are sure of their sexuality can handle cuteness" xDDDDDDDDDD (to the guy who gags with one xD)

Blugh. Sounds like my ex. He was a freak. Dump his ass, fins someone better. Even ugly girls can (I should know. I'm no exactly a beauty queen myself)

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that you were dating my brother.

tigerg33 0

dont ever get involved with a guy who likes anime. based on experienced they're weird and take it too seriously. bunch of nerds

#190, please shut up and stop generalizing all people. I myself am a walking contradiction to your statement. You wanna know what you just said? You just said, "dont go out with a black dude because theyre gangstas and will cheat on you with five other girls". Or, "dont go out with an asian because theyll acupuncture you". People are stupid.

You obviously own nothing of great value. Anyone would rage if a girlfriend or boyfriend broke something they put a good lump of money into, then didn't give a shit about it and only wanted to **** afterwards.