Keeping it real

By mchhhoi - 20/07/2009 06:18 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and were I getting it on in his bedroom where he had all of his anime models on display. I accidentally knocked over one of his models and it fell on to the floor. He got angry and kicked me out. Apparently, making his models look good was more important than us making love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 642
You deserved it 13 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a difference between dating a fan and dating a FREAKING WEEABOO.

I hate guys like this who make anime fans look bad. If they're that important, why would they be anywhere near his bed? I collect things and understand that what may not seem precious to many others would be very precious to the owner, but this is ridiculous. Don't keep important shit near your bed if you know you'll be getting some!


He was probably looking at them while making love to you. Don't go out a nerd. And I mean any form of nerd. WOW nerds, XBOX nerds, computer nerds, science nerds, antisocial wanna be nerds who aren't even smart just make out they are...

It's people like him that make me a bit ashamed to be a fan of anime and manga. Please give him a smack the next time you see him. The shows and comics don't have to run his life. It's more of a hobby than anything.

Right there with ya, because on the internet, stupid people will ALWAYS generalize anime/manga fans as this crazy. Even if I had some anime figures (which I don't at the moment but might start collecting them soon) I wouldn't get mad at someone for tipping one. I especially wouldn't stop someone from ******* me. Hell, they wouldn't get tipped in the first place, they'd be on my desk where they belong!

kawaiianime 5

I love ur pic *O* lulz srry random...

Call your boyfriend a retard nerd and break up with him, because honestly anyone who takes some dumbass anime comics over sex clearly deserves to die a virgin.

kawaiianime 5

**** you. Just **** you. You know, most people who obsess over anime don't do it because they're just naturally born freaks. They've had a hard life, and they use anime as a form of escape. They collect figures over those who personally inspire them, who they can relate to. All the negative comments from inconsiderate dumb ***** has actually reduced me to tears. I'm crying right now. Not because I'm one of those people you'd consider sad. My brother is. His dad was a useless alcoholic, who he loved so much, but he was too drunk most of the time to care. When he wasn't calling him horrible names, he was beating his ass up and down the room till he was actually trying to crawl up the walls to get away from his daddy. He had ADHD too, my brother. But he still had friends at school. He had girlfriends. He lost his virginity. But it made him paranoid. And gave him a low self-esteem. There's no way he could handle a full-time job. So yeah, he still lives at home. Nineteen, turning twenty. When he was younger, he used to watch anime - back when it was on Cartoon Network and Toonami. Well, he watched one anime - Dragon Ball Z. I watched it too. ******* amazing, by the way. When he left school, sitting bored around the house all day, he decided he'd start watching it again. He got a little carried away. His track record: Watched the full Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT series two or three times; watched the full naruto series once or twice; watched the full bleach series; watched the full Street Fighter series; watched the full Devil May Cry series; spent at least a grand buying the games that go with the series, buying the Dragon Ball Z remastered dvds - since that has a sentimental value - and a dbz t-shirt, naruto headband (for my little brother) and contact lenses to make his eyes red like the sharingan or something, a ryu headband, memberships to downloading sites to get the episodes and movies; plays at least an hour of Street Fighter 4 every single day; punched a whole in the wall when he found out they've recently changed Dante's image into a gay emo junkie bastard. He's an alcoholic now, on anti-depressants. Has such complex feelings towards his dad. But when he's drunk - which is often - it all comes tumbling out. He hates his dad. In fact, last time he got drunk he ran out the house to go kill his dad. Got took home by the police. He's not allowedd to drink anymore. He loves his little sister and brother so much - he'd be such an over-protective father. But he doesn't think he'll make it that far. He thinks he's meant to die. He thinks he's just a burden. My mum's got her new husband - mines and the littles brothers dad -, me and my little brother, he says. He starts arguments all the time cause he hopes that he'll make my dad go so far that he'll just grab a knife and put him out his misery. Cause suicides selfish and self-harm's just ****** up and sad, he says. I've heard my brother beg my mum to kill him. Just kill him. It still makes me cry. But you know what? **** you's all. I love my brother sososososososososososo much. I look up to him, I respect him, he means so much to me it's hard to describe. My little brother's the same. So all you's that think people who watch anime are fags, who the **** are you to judge? My brother's not gay, not emo, doesn't touch himself to anime ****. But if I just told you, "Yeah my brother likes anime" you'd just label him like that? You don't know the first ******* thing about people who watch anime, or read manga, or their reason for it, or **** all. I love my brother. So just **** you.

...and you didn't dump him because????

I'm on your boyfriends side having collectibles and whatnot around and people like you whom are selfish and careless to knock them over I would have kicked you out too. show some respect for his things

ud probably be mad too if he knocked over something you loved.

WshCaps8 1

shitty deal... I don't have anime or action figure for that matter but what if it was a collectible and worth a lot of money? gotta keep it in mint condition