Keeping it real

By mchhhoi - 20/07/2009 06:18 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and were I getting it on in his bedroom where he had all of his anime models on display. I accidentally knocked over one of his models and it fell on to the floor. He got angry and kicked me out. Apparently, making his models look good was more important than us making love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 641
You deserved it 13 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a difference between dating a fan and dating a FREAKING WEEABOO.

I hate guys like this who make anime fans look bad. If they're that important, why would they be anywhere near his bed? I collect things and understand that what may not seem precious to many others would be very precious to the owner, but this is ridiculous. Don't keep important shit near your bed if you know you'll be getting some!


stupid anime fans. he probably rather jerk off to a fake cartoon person. thats ****** up....HES ****** up

... See... it's those kinds of people that make us NORMAL anime fans look like freaks, and force us to hide the fact that we like anime. I'm just kinda shocked that you can deal with that. Seems like all the girls I know consider anime and all its "followers" to be weird and wouldn't even think of going out with one.

They probably were manga figurines, because TECHNICALLY most animes are based off of mangas. The OP probably isn't a fan, and just assumes anything like that is "anime"

redsquare 0

hey some models are expensive. i wouldnt kick you out but i'd be pissed if that happened to me. then again i wouldnt keep them in my bedroom, they would be proudly displayed in my living room.

YDI for dating some virgin nerd. go get a real bf.

xThatRandomGirlx 0

And this is exactly why I could never get into anime. Most of the people who like it are absolute losers

kawaiianime 5

not all of us are obssesive.

Hava_fml 0

That's what you get for dating retards

Run. Run far away and never look back.

YDI for going out with a guy that has anime models of all ****** things

You stupid ****, You derserved to be kicked out. Anime > Girls 3D PIG DISGUSTING And to those who keep calling that guy a loser, you are the real losers for not understanding.