No gods, no masters

By anon - 31/07/2015 20:28 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend and I got intimate. It was his first time, which I guess explains him sticking his hand down my panties and practically bitch-slapping my vagina for the next 20 or 30 seconds. I stupidly faked an orgasm just to get him to stop. Now he thinks he's some kind of sex god. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 354
You deserved it 34 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

raysmith121 10

This really is your fault. You should instruct him and guide him.

You kind of deserved that. There's no point in lying to save someone's feelings and make yourself miserable.


Sometimes faking it is a lot easier than the fight that happens when you just try to instruct and help. Some guys take the suggestions and are grateful for them, but others just get angry and feel their "manhood" is challenged. Faking it is just easier sometimes.

Turning a blind eye to your partner cheating is easier too. Don't want to risk the anger it may cause him to have... If they are that immature in their relationship that they can't deal with, and work out, a little argument (if his man feels get hurt), then they should be waiting to be that intimate. This is why there are so many young men out there who have egos the size of a skyscraper, they think they are sex gods because the woman fakes it to avoid a possible awkward conversation.

jezka374 15

Tell him you lied... Slapping our vaginas is not something most chicks are into... Get him to give you an actual ****** by teaching him what to do.

This is COMPLETELY your fault. Not his bad technique but not telling him! Damn girl, don't be a wimp and teach! also tell him to stop watching so much ****

be ready for more ******-slapping action thingy

Everyone has a first time... and we all need a point in the right direction. You should have given him a couple of suggestions.

YDI! Don't fake it to soothe his ego! That's bullshit! Tell him to stop them show him how it's done for pete's sake!

Hunkapoo 19

YDI, now he's going to think that's how to get you to ******, and do it again. next time instruct him to do someing that actually turns you on.

and this is case and point as to why so many people suck at sex.