On the fence

By fuckyouverymuch - 13/06/2013 10:16 - Australia - Sunnybank

Today, my estranged father, who is a cop, decided to show up to my 17th birthday party. He immediately began arresting people for underage drinking. Way to mend fences, dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 988
You deserved it 26 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bballer4life895 13

Obviously you shouldn't be drinking if your underage, especially if your dads a cop. You should know better

Wizardo 33

He's doing his job and you're underage, this isn't Superbad Mr. McLovin...


Why would you throw a party knowing your dads a cop to begin with

I would assume he didn't expect him to show up.

jarockstar27 10

He may be estranged as a father but it's still wrong for kids to be drinking, you will appreciate it down the road

Wrong you say?... Like he was drinking incorrectly? 'Cause if you were going for immoral... you missed. Illegal =/= Wrong

thejimler 9

Appreciate what? His estranged (which could mean he either abandoned his family, cheated on them, was abusive and got kicked out, etc) father interrupts a private celebration to arrest several guests under the guise of doing his job but more likely to be a ******* asshole and ruin his son's party. It is bad enough when someone interferes with your life and destroys an event or a personal item, but when they expect you to be grateful for their actions is when you need to grab something heavy, knock some sense into their brain, and some teeth out. Since he is a cop though, OP will have to settle with trying to get him fired for unprofessional conduct.

Hate to say it, but it's still the law and estranged doesn't say he's barred from visiting. So either way he is still easily within any legal rights, even as a police officer and he was doing his job. It doeant matter his attitude if he was enforcing the law even if it means arresting his own child. Underage drinking has been a problem for a long time and it's the damn kids that got products like Four Lokos and Monster under legal scrutiny because of their stupidity. Four Monster energy drinks in one day and the kid winds up in the hospital and dies. Yeah, kids shouldn't be drinking, private celebration or not. This may be an FML but it'll probably be good for the kid later in life. Maybe he won't be another college drunk driver now and learns that alcohol abuse leads to severe problems, especially legal.

fieldhockeygal97 19

Why are you even drinking underage? YDI

K let's be honest, who hasn't drank underage before? I know the first time I drank underage I was about 14 or so and I'm sure it's the same for many people. Yes that doesn't make it okay but I doubt you're one to judge…

I haven't because I have something called self-control. So guess what, underage drinking is wrong and you're a follower.

squideth 18

71 oooh you feel like a big man saying that? Get over yourself, you're no better than anyone, even with your "self control".

#70 I didn't either, because I am also smarter than that.

#70 I didn't either, because I'm also smarter than that.

I didn't drink underaged because people in my family are alcoholics. This does not mean I agree that people should not drink underaged. I just think they need to be taught how to drink responsibly and do it at home, not where they might get behind a wheel of a car or get hurt. However, kids in other countries are raised drinking watered down wine, such as in Italy, and they turn out fine. I don't think drinking is wrong, just illegal. States lose funding if they do not have the drinking age be 21. It used to be 18 in a lot of States. You are not special for choose to abstain, you are not special for drinking at 14.

71 - You say people are followers for drinking underage, but aren't you a follower for blindly doing whatever the law tells you to?

In my opinion it's actually better to start drinking young to get it out of your system. Often when people wait until they are the legal drinking age they go wild as soon as they are allowed to drink because they finally get to experience alcohol. This could cause them to bring harm to themselves or others. For me I got it out of my system when I was young and now I'm more responsible and I know my limits.

#174-- I don't think your argument works. Not everyone blindly follows the law, and culturally it is not uncommon for teens to drink. It has become a coming of age thing. But following the law should not make someone seem like some sort of pathetic follower. The law is there to have some form of order. Teen drinking--heck drinking in general--is not always as safe as people think it is. There is an "estimated 10,228 people who died in drunk driving crashes, accounting for 31% of all traffic deaths last year." So I would prefer people follow the law and not drink, get behind a wheel, and kill themselves or others.

Well you know what they say... absinthe makes the heart grow fonder!

Wizardo 33

Your father was there for another reason entirely but you weren't ready to know why... YOU CAN'T HANDLE VERMOUTH!

There's not much you can do other than gin and bear it.

I'll bet some of the friends tried to rum away.

Blacksabbath211 9

I don't know why they'd even try to underage drink if there was a possibility of Dad coming around...it seems too whiskey to me!

He just wants whats best for you in the end, OP. Give him some slack. You shouldn't be drinking in the first place.

From a legal standpoint, Op should not have hosted a party with alcohol. But I don't think a caring father would arrest their kid's friends at their birthday party. My friend had a dad who was a cop. They got caught with beer and the father gave them a warning, took the alcohol away, and talked to their parents. I don't know if the father was pressured to make arrests, but no caring father does that to their kid. They would get someone else to do it.

I'm talking to the other guy who replied to this comment. If I was a cop I wouldn't care. I would feel bad for ruining there party, but still they still shouldn't be drinking, and you should definitely know better than to underage drink with your father being a cop. And since there was no real punishment for your friend then ( just saying he might, some people do ) he might not take it seriously and still keep drinking behind his dads back.

I'm still trying to figure out how the father wants the best for his kid, since he's estranged and all that.

Sounds like the dad is an asshole. He could have gotten someone else to arrest the friends, but no he had to do it himself.

This was like all my grade talked about every monday when I used to be in high school. They obviously don't even care. You know what happened when they turned 21? They all became drunks.

Many of my friends stopped drinking so much once it was legal. Because the fact it was legal took half the fun out of it.

the logic of some people.. yeah he's a douche for trying to make us wait until we can drink alcohol legally -.- you deserved that even if it sucks

LookAttMyyLifee 12

Your like Stiles from Teen Wolf, oh wait sorry OP, he got away with things.