
By Tai - 31/10/2010 13:30 - Australia

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend when I came. She got pissed and slapped me really hard for coming inside her because she didn't want to get pregnant. 1. I was wearing a condom. 2. She's on the pill. 3. We were having anal sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 575
You deserved it 9 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You're going to have shitty kids.

Paramorefan2 1

wow. that sucks. she's stupid.


Trencher21 0

wow she must be a real winner

2011softballgirl 0

OMG do u have a re re of a girlfriend! That's just as bad as girls thinking they can get pregnant from swallowing or my friend thought she could taste her fiancées semen when he shot his load in her cooter! Um no!!! You need to reeducate her on sex Ed lmao!!

yeah & I thought the same thing.... blonde! or maybe the bleach got to her brain from dying it too much!!!

this chick should NOT ever walk out of her house without a helmet!!

She seriously needs to pay attention in Sex ed. OR search some shit on the internet because that's seriously ridiculous if she doesn't know how the body works.

muzicman25 0

gotta watch out for those butt babies lol