
By thiswouldhappen. - 17/03/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, my dad gave me a promise ring on my one-year anniversary with my boyfriend and made me swear I would wait until marriage. Four hours later, he walked in on us having sex in my bedroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 676
You deserved it 265 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why do parents think a ring will convince their dear daughter to keep her leg closed? it never works.

And that is why you don't do it in your parents' house.


Rings don't force you to keep promises. You shouldn't have swore though.

Komatose 0

You're dad's a dick for making you swear to save yourself. Seriously, it's none of his business. What if some strange man you didn't know did that? you'd slap him and run away screaming. Besides, he's pretty much saying "Happy birthday! But promise me you won't have fun!" I would've lied too. He has no business in that part of your life.

Well done! You demonstrated a fundamental truth to your father: promises made under duress are non-binding.

endurancefan212 21

Oh, I was under the impression that when you made a promise, you kept it (under a reasonable, objective standard). This was hardly a "duress" situation, she could've said no. what was her dad going to do, ground her? Well, it looks like he's going to do that anyways, and *here's the best part* he also won't be able to trust her for a while, and he was probably really disappointed with the OP. Sex is a big deal, and IDK why people don't treat it like that anymore. I'm not saying the dad isn't also at fault, he shouldn't've tried to force her into something like this, but had a discussion with her about it instead.

pommeblossom 0

That's what you get when you're a hoe

kellster 2

Um, why would you promise something to anyone that you didn't plan on keeping? That's real integrity, bravo.

Moomoomoo_fml 0

don't you have any self control at all?

Way to ruin your dad's trust and faith in you!

dg72592_fml 0

geez why are people on this site so judgmental? just because it's the internet doesn't give you the right to act like an asshole and say things you would never say otherwise. i'm sick of seeing the same types of bs comments on every post, "you're a dumb ****", "LYING TO YOUR DAD HOLY CRAP"... like you guys wouldn't do the same thing. what are you supposed to do when confronted with a situation like that? i'm sure she felt really uncomfortable with rejecting the ring and maybe her relationship with her dad isn't as open as she would like it to be, some parents are just like that.

endurancefan212 21

I don't lie to my dad about something as big as relationships and sex. It's true that he shouldn't have forced her, but talked to her about abstaining as an option. Just because he isn't an open person, doesn't give her the right to lie about something like sex.

That was just dumb. 1st, for making a fake promise 2nd, for using your parents' house for sex while they're there.