
By feiedbutter - 07/12/2013 14:55 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, my wife made me a Sex Rewards Chart, where I get points by doing chores and such, and 50 points gets me some action. She refuses to even look at me if I haven't earned the points, and is contemplating sleeping alone in the guest room until I earn more points. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 130
You deserved it 20 832

Same thing different taste


She's treating you like a child, tell her you don't accept this chart. However you should help around the house anyway, without needing to be bribed.

This makes me wonder . . . Is OP's wife some kind of kindergarten teacher? Because this is the type of system you use in a classroom, not a marriage. I agree, FYL

Sitting_Ducki 8

Give her a money chart she must do twice the work for half the money. Or tell her if she moves out of the room she can start paying for half of everything since she decided shed rather be a roommate

Maybe you two shouldn't be a couple...

How could she handle that? It's not like sex is only good for you.

my wife has the same system but we call them "Pussy points"

I'm gonna assume that your wife is an elementary school teacher?

Divorce her! And never look back. Tough to contain myself not to say what I really think of her. Suffice it to say, it is exact opposite of "nice", "caring" and "lady".

Selkhe 10

It's sad she has to use bribery to get you to pull your weight...