
By feiedbutter - 07/12/2013 14:55 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, my wife made me a Sex Rewards Chart, where I get points by doing chores and such, and 50 points gets me some action. She refuses to even look at me if I haven't earned the points, and is contemplating sleeping alone in the guest room until I earn more points. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 130
You deserved it 20 832

Same thing different taste


ha! u should rack up those points like crazy and hold her to it. remember that nights and weekends get u time and a half on points. good luck!

Your wife seems very smart and she knows how to get what she wants

Grounds and evidence for a divorce right there, or justification to find a mistress :)

I believe that's called manipulation and control. Doesn't sound like it's working too well for either of you.

JoeyJaws68 18

Use this to your advantage. Do a shit ton of work and she can't ever say no

That's just cruel and unusual. My husband and I created kind of a chore to-do list, and we decide who gets to do what, and it's worked out just fine.

(That looks like cruelty to me, which is grounds for divorce in Ontario.) Congrats on having or working to have good communication with your husband.

Maybe they already tried that and he didn't do his part.

tehdarkness 21

Please don't take this as an excuse to stray. Talk to her and work on your sex life together. Manipulating you with sex is wrong, but so is dropping the ball on your duties as a husband. Good luck.

lil_mars 1

What the ****, #136? You're gonna have one hell of a time getting through life and love with that attitude, asshole. Anyway... OP, sounds like you two need to talk this one out. Help her out, man. At least you get a reward for doing simple chores that everyone should be doing anyway...

It also comes down to different perspectives. For instance, if he's working a lot and she isn't, then he shouldn't be the one who has to do the chores. On the other hand, if she is the one who is working and he's just being a lay asshole then I would be in favor for her. Yet she is refusing to look at him and wants to sleep in another room, that is a huge concern. If they can't work it out then it will most likely end in divorce. People have gotten divorced for less things. Either way, I hope they can work it out.

I'm sorry OP... But kinda sounds like a divorce waiting to happen...