
By Halle - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my immature step-father rubbed my head, destroying the $300 hairdo that took two and a half hours to finish. Three minutes before my wedding ceremony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 466
You deserved it 6 851


Personally I'd poison him but you could always go for a less invasive revenge xD

babelini 12

could it be like he rubbed ur head in a playful manner and unintentionally ruined ur hairdo? i know people who rub heads as a sign of affection. *shrugs*

RedPillSucks 31

The voice of reason and temperance has no business on FML. ;-) (I did thumb you up though)...

babelini 12

just this once. pretty please? (appreciate it ;))

You could just tell everyone you were going for a "unique" style.

He was just being affectionate and loving. Ydi

Aaaaaw...If I kick you in the nuts affectionately and with all my heart, you deserve it then?

ydi for being stupid enough to eactually pay 300$ for a haircut

TheBeanieChic 1

I would of kicked him out in the middle of the wedding so everyone could see, point & laugh.

theten_fml 9

Rub his head and pat his stomach! Yeah! That'll teach em!

Go cry to your mother. No, really. I'm not trying to be a smart-aleck, I'm not being unsympathetic. Generally, the person who's just as protective of the wedding prep is the bride's mother, because she wants her little girl to look awesome. Your mother also happens to be married to your stepfather, and therefore has both means and motivation to exact revenge.

Iknoweverything 29

I would have made him walk to the front of the church, and say to everyone that "the bride is going to take a few more minutes... evidently I'm not supposed to rub her hair before the ceremony." And THEN make him give you your money back while someone tries to fix your hair. At least then, everyone will know who's responsible for ruining your wedding, and you'll get some revenge from all the aunts, cousins and friends telling him what an idiot he is!