Sounds neat

By danii - 05/10/2011 03:28 - Reserved

Today, I drove to the liquor store completely naked except for my dressing gown, with a carload of idiot stoners who ran in and stole vodka, tequila and whiskey. We drank in a bush. Last week I was a good citizen, and now I'm white trash. I'm not quite sure what happened in between. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 121
You deserved it 65 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

razzberry 9

I mean.....honestly you have control here.


Bently24 6

How is this an FML if you had complete controll of not being such a dumbass?

Hmmmm, just sounds like you are reaching your full potential. Have you done an Anthony Robbins course lately?

sounds to me like you're desperate for acceptance no matter what losers give you the pathetic attention you're looking for. try making better friends before your mind and reputation are gone.

I clicked YDI as soon as I read that you were driving to the liquor store naked. You don't know what happened to you? Well it's pretty obvious - you and your stupid friends got drunk (behind a bush no less), the latter of which also got high and made you drive to the store in the first place in nothing but a dressing gown. So yeah, that's what happened in between being a good citizen and becoming white trash, and YDI.

PokeSmot 10

Don't rip on him/her. This is, not Danii, I know what it's like to be in that situation. It gets better if you ditch those kind of people.

Time for new friends. Your current ones seem to be a negative influence on you.

varkey 7

Why would you say "completely naked except for a dressing gown"? The completely is superfluous. You could say "wearing nothing but my dressing gown;" the fact is, wearing a dressing gown is at least decent cover, although it's not something people normally go out in public in. Anyway, YDI for making those bad decisions.

Maybe you should put down your alcohol, gather your brains in rehab, and stop asking stupid questions OP

the1nfamousflynn 0