
By Anonymous - 27/09/2011 19:53 - United States

Today, a man punched me for sleeping with his wife. Bewildered, I insisted I would never sleep with a married woman, to which he retorted, "She wasn't my wife when it HAPPENED, dumbass!" I was assaulted for sleeping with my own girlfriend three years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 330
You deserved it 4 110

Same thing different taste


bubo_fml 10

Really tempt fate & tell him you slept w/ his Mother...

You should've said, well you slept with my GIRLFRIEND!

ReynshineCutting 10

While it's still wrong you can't really blame the guy. Who wants to think/hear about their significant others sleeping with someone else? My fiancé would love the opportunity to punch out some of my exes. At least he cares.

And they're exes for a reason. Anyone that gets their nose out of joint over a past relationship is a moron (unless they have solid proof that there is still something going on). Personally, I like knowing that my fiance's exes missed out on such a great guy; it's like an extra dose of confidence knowing that I snagged him and they didn't!

Yes, you can! Unless your an insecure, self-obsessed, moron.

stacianichole 2

Actually PUNCHING an ex of a significant other when the relationship ended three years ago is LAAAAME. I can blame the guy for being ridiculous.

No offence, but your fiance must be a bit of a tool. Anybody who cares or gets jealous over someones exes is needy and clingy.

ReynshineCutting 10

No guy wants to think about some other guy's dick inside his woman. It's not that they're insecure that something else is going on, it's just the thought of another man touching her. And believe me he's not a tool. I wouldn't be with a tool. He just hates that I wasn't a virgin when we met since he waited for me.

stacianichole 2

BFD, he should get over it. That's possessive and obsessive...slightly creepy also.

Let me get this straight... He hates that other guys have touched you and that you didn't wait for him, he's a virgin... and you're saying he's not a tool? Right....

catharsis5 9

She seems to be very open about her previous relationships, makes me wonder what their pillow talk is like... "Oh baby you're good but you know who's really great at this? This ex I went with three years ago."

I would have beat the **** out of him invest in krav ma ga or mma bro

Remember, in an emergency, the police are only minutes away ;) you'll be dead, but they are on the way

orph_the_d 5

If you didn't press charges you don't care, and thus neither do I. YDI.