The last laugh

By criminal tit offender - 31/08/2013 16:25 - United States - Bessemer

Today, I went skinny-dipping with my friends. At one point, I jokingly pointed out how one of them had the smallest boobs of us all. She calmly got out of the pond, dried herself, scooped up our clothes and phones, and drove off in her car. The cops she called arrived soon after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 965
You deserved it 72 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe next time you shouldn't comment about other peoples bodies. If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

While her response was a bit excessive, you are no one to judge someone else's breasts.


Most likely, she was already self-conscious about her body, and you just mocked her for it. Great friend you are. If I could press YDI more than once, I would. FHL and YDI

Definitely over reacted, if you can't take insults and jokes from your friends well then life will be harsh. People will be mean to you and you can't always storm off like a child.

There's a big difference between making a joke, and completely obliterating another persons self confidence.

monnanon 13

if her self confidence ead obliterated by a throwaway comment then she didnt think much of herself to begin with. the problem is with ops friend not op

look Jimmy! three faggots above me!

I have to say...I would probably react the same way. least I'd want to. Not sure I'd have the guts to call the cops, though....

Epikouros 31

Don't worry, your boobs are perfect!

Yeah, YDI. I am actually pretty well endowed in that area, and I definitely know better than to point out when someone isn't. That's just mean. You're not perfect yourself you know.

Criticizing someone's naked body in front of the rest of her friends is about one of the most toxic ways a young woman can bully another. It's pretty disgusting. Your friend had to feel as though she was being set up for public humiliation. Drying off and getting dressed takes time. What were you doing during this time? Obviously you weren't apologizing in any effective way. Were you perhaps ignoring her as though she was nothing to you? Or did you make snarky comments while she was obviously in the process of leaving your toxic little selves? Anything short of a total apology, on the spot, was basically a form of punishing your friend for taking the minimum steps to defend herself against your bullying. Humiliating her in the first place was pretty bratty, and letting her change and leave without fixing the damage you did pretty much gave her the message that you thought it was right and appropriate to humiliate her that way, and inappropriate for her to object, much less retaliate in kind. Meditate well on the way you felt as you were discovered by the cop. This is the same level of humiliation you felt entitled to cause your friend, in the name of "fun". Is this "fun" to you? If not, perhaps consider treating your friends with a little more respect.

I want to thumb this up, but my phone won't let me because of the length of the comment. This is right on the nose though.

I like how you pointed out something not everyone did. They didn't stop her from leaving.

monnanon 13

wow if i reacted to comments people made the way you do i would have been dead several years ago. you paint it like OP pinned her friend down and began calling her every name under the sun insulted her body and insulted her worth at the same time. why can no one see the OPs friend overreacted to a simple comment. if that was truly all OP said then i hope she gets her friend back. what person calls the cops because a friend said she had a smaller chest than everyone else.

Just because OP is stupid enough to assume it was an appropriate joke doesn't make it okay. As was previously said; it would have taken her friend time to leave, and so as soon as OP realized that what she had said was hurtful she should have apologized straight away for hurting her friend's feelings, regardless of the intent.

Op is trying to make it out to be an innocent comment. There's never anything innocent about a comment like that. Girls make comments like that to put other girls down, they don't just slip out.

That's a bitchy thing to do. I used to have small boobs and if someone joked about that I'd be pretty pissed.

monnanon 13

i used to have small boobs too and when people made comments i couldnt even find a **** to give.

#209: finally a person that has some sense!

You just said "used to." If you didn't care about people making fun of you, why did you get bigger boobies? Hmmm......

monnanon 13

becuase i have been pregnant and my boobs did not fully return to their previous size. peoples bodies change you know.

She could probably get in trouble for stealing your phones and clothes. While her response was a bit excessive, you should not have made fun of her, even if it was just a joke.