Thoughts and prayers

By poordog - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my best friend was texting me about her sick dog. She wrote, "Do you think she will get better?", so I wrote, "I hope she does." It wasn't until later that I realized I accidentally wrote, "I hope she dies" instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 551
You deserved it 9 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

klalalo 0

am i the only one who thought this was hilarious???

Oh ouch! Definately start proof reading, especially important messages.


Comentator 0

Damn, just make a phone call people

robertsk89 0

oh no!!!!! FYL!!!! but so funny hahhahahahaha

ihateuall 0

DING DING DING, oh sorry that was my bullshit meter going off. look 1 2abc 3def 4ghi 5jkl 6mno 7pqrs8tuv 9wxyz i and o are on completely seperate sides

Just because YOUR phone sucks doesn't mean this is fake. It's called QWERTY. This is actually one of the few FMLs that looks completely legitimate and realistic. Tard.

ihateuall 0

well, yeah, my phone sucks and i know about querty. in that case, forget about my phone layout and think about how this person still deserved it for not reading it.

Agreed. You should always proofread when you're sending a message to a greiving friend. Irony: I didn't proofread this message before posting and had to edit it because I used "your" instead of "you're"

NotErin 0

yeah I saw a fml exactly like this one except I think it was about if not then they didn't even reword it

its called predicitive text (to comment 41)

ihateuall 0

2 things. 1, if its a message to me just press reply. 2, the stupid **** still should have read it before sending it

#12 ur a dumbass they are right next o each other ;P

41 fails. Never heard of predictive text or of a qwerty keypad? Get a life douche!

ihateuall 0

note: predictive text does one of 2 things. one: u just press buttons one at a time and it does the most common thing. keep in mind i and o are not on the same key. so that is out. the second thing it can do is after u put in letters it will predict the word based on how commonly you use it. first of all, who in ***** name would select the first word after putting in "D". secondly even if she did, who uses "dies" more than "does"?

Haha!! NIce!! Once I was chatting up a lady on text, and I tried to say, "Would you like to meet up for dinner later? I'm thinking sushi," but the stupid T9 word made it come out as, "You rape goats. lol."

quikwit1212 0

Oh my lord, that's ******* hilarious.

YDI for texting and having no life chatting about dogs