By NotThePotty - 19/10/2015 10:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, according to daycare, my son is behind in his potty training curriculum because we are not "celebrating his natural bodily functions" enough. He turned 2 a week ago, and he peed on our bed last night because we're trying to meet this demand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 506
You deserved it 3 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him to celebrate his bodily functions all over his teacher

According to pediatrician Emmi Pikler 95% of all children manage to successfully use the toilet during the day by the time they turn three without forcing it onto them. The daycare needs to chill.


Wow. Parents at the daycare I work at demand to know why their kid isn't potty trained a week after they turn two. It's weird to see it on the other end...

I don't expect them to be fully potty trained at 2, but I do think it should be something that is worked on.

megs925 16

That's a bs statement for them to make as educated professionals. Most kids aren't potty trained fully until they're closer to three and even then, they'll progress at their own individual rate.

Tell them he'll be potty trained when he's ready! I have 5 kids & 5 grandkids; all were different. My oldest son for instance, REFUSED to even try till he was a little more than 3 yrs old., while my middle daughter was 18mos.

I'm so sorry about that, OP!!! This daycare sounds like it's run by Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb!!! And working for them are the 3 Stooges!!! Children learn differently and at their own pace, no matter what the topic may be ( potty training, math, baseball, etc.) Keep being the great parent that you are, OP!!

Every child is different & takes things at a different pace. & people who work at day cares should know this. Although I've tried to get my son interested in using the potty chair he just doesn't care & he turned 2 a couple months ago. I'm not all too concerned because children will let you know when their ready for something. Don't worry about what the day care has to say op. If it becomes a big problem put him in a new daycare. & best of luck. :)

Don't they realise that boys do not start to understand toilet training until 2 years 8 months on average? And a potty training curriculum, what is this world coming to?!

Don't try to meet that demand. My advice, should only give him praise if he does it correctly - on the toilet - and scold him if he doesn't. Proper discipline, like many things, is about balance.

Knoro 6

#38 you don't scold a young child for incorrectly going to the toilet!

You would scold a 2 yr old for not going on the toilet? Every kid has accidents when learning, they need encouragement not a scolding and discipline when it comes to that stuff. You don't clap and cheer when they pee the bed but you don't scold or punish them for it either.

Look if your son isn't ready he isn't ready. Don't be stressed out by some daycare lady. Your son will show he's ready when the time's right

bad_boyfriend 10

so they don't just scream "FILTHY CHILD" at them anymore