By explodingpupppet - 30/09/2009 16:41 - United States

Today, after a month of searching, I found a perfect apartment which I rented out for the next few months. The rent was inexpensive and the place was close to my job. Turns out, my 'perfect' new apartment overlooks a nudist community. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 563
You deserved it 36 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude! whats not perfect about that? some people would pay extra!

That's not really a FML, unless you're a prude.


Leave the curtains closed on that side - Simple.

Well, that explains why the rent is high! But really, this isn't an FML. If you're that uncomfortable with nudity, don't look out the windows.

hurray4jmk 1

Inexpensive means the rent is NOT expensive you idiot.

You need to see the bright side of the thing -- nobody will mind if you go around your flat naked. :-) Are you like the one person in the world who doesn't get joy out of checking out naked people no matter how not hot they are?

um have any of you seen a nudist colony, a lot of the time its full of fat old naked people

so what? it can still be entertaining in a traffic accident sort of way where you don't really want to see but you can't look away. And no one forces you to look at them, just close the blinds just like everyone has already said.

An attractive nudist is like a Unicorn. Its a mythical creature. Although I would probably just get a set of blinds for the window.

I still don't see how this is a problem. Even if the most likely scenario is true (they are not young and attractive nudists) you can still have a lot of fun laughing at the absurdity of the whole situation, or playing pranks on your friends. i.e. figure out the sunbathing schedule for the largest and most unattractive of the bunch, and ask your friend to "go open the curtain and let some light in" around that time. Then laugh hysterically as your friend falls to the floor holding his eyes screaming about how he is blind.