By oboy - 01/03/2010 05:13 - United States

Today, after ten minutes of squishing my boobs together for my boyfriend, trying to get him to stare, he glanced at them then blankly said "I've seen better tits on my mom, so baby just stop that" and smiled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 312
You deserved it 7 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Black_Gothic_101 0

i would have been like "well, go suck your momma's then, bitch" and just walk away. second!!


Gazoooo 0

quit dating guys that pay attention to their Mom's boobs! -on another note he might be gay if he's got a problem w/ your boobs. Not normal.

What you said really came out of nowhere. Just because he saw better breasts on his mom than OP means that he's a gay incest pervert? He might of just glanced at his mom by accident, and there are some women who's breat are not very appealing. I think that was an uncalled for thing to say.

13 I wouldn't say shit cuz from ur pic u ain't got shit either

ButterflyBaby 0

well ur pretty damn ugly!! and u act like a bitch. no guy would EVER put up with you, and u could have major ass boobs.

Anonnamus 0

What are "ass boobs"? I would think that would be popular with the guys. Two of their favorite body parts combined for easier access? I think I want an ass boob, too.

roryriddle 5

wow are you guys really fighting with her on here? you're soooo cool

@51 But what if your ass boobs are situated on your chest? I mean sure, there's the turn-on, but think about taking a dump..

honestlove11 0

hey butterfly where's your pic? get a life loser, quit picking fights on the Internet. you must be in middle school. grow up. snickerdoodles is smart, and def. not ugly. and honestly, bitch is NOT an insult unless you're 12. just sayin.

she needs to be introduced to hair straightners..... or de frizzer, or maybe just a new hair cut because I had that when I was like er..5? she's trying to act like a bitch on here when really she's the lonely library kid, with no friends... :)

Maybe his mom can give him that bj too... time for a new boyfriend

MrsUchiha 0

Men like to squish women's boobs together, are they young girls who are just discovering their boobs, also?

snowman427 0

u should have been naked and then taken pics and posted them. if u wana do that for me I will pay close attention

uhm pervert?? someone has no life or girlfriend or can't get any

bebz_fml 0

I agree snickerdoodles. Seems a tad strange you were squishing them together in the first place? Anyway, it's not that big of a deal, you'll move on.

oneforme 0

you should let him lick your cute little anus and then after u relax just let it open and poop one of your turds into his mouth for good measure

jack8765 0

......even I'm disgusted by what you just said

honestlove11 0

you're like a pedofile in training er something.