By J - 11/02/2009 07:14 - United States

Today, at lunch I ordered a coke. The waiter replied "diet coke?" and I corrected him saying, "No, regular coke." He shook his head and said again, "diet coke." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 185
You deserved it 8 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redrovaa 0

How can it be made from sugar, but not be sugar. Do they add something that unsugars the sugar or some shit?

Aaaaaaand there goes his tip. I can understand if they ask "Diet?" to clarify which kind of coke, but repeating it is just effing rude.


brink0war 3

For those who don't understand, he keeps saying diet because he thinks the person ordering was fat.

pokerJ 0

Here's a concept: LOSE WEIGHT!

valmont_fml 0

I'm not sure that you actually understand how that works. Different people have different body types, psychological reactions, and physiological reactions. For a lot of people, telling them "just lose weight" is like saying "just quit smoking." People know it's bad for them, but it's harder to do something about than you think. Besides, there isn't any reason for the waiter, or you, to be insulting about the whole thing.

#45 is an idiot. #44 is right: the aspertame and other chemicals present in diet sodas can cause cancer—a lot more dangerous than the extra sugar in the original

HyperExecuter 0

your a douche. say oh yeah I'm a fatass thanks for the tip. then take the ******* coke

I've had the same problem, when buying a no carb Rockstar and my weekly snack cake, the cashier once said "the diet energy drink's not gonna help." and I said "it's for my diabetic boyfriend."