By anonymous - 20/07/2015 01:23 - Canada - Kitchener

Today, for some reason entirely beyond my knowledge, Siri referred to me as "Sugartits". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 169
You deserved it 3 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You can edit Siri preferences, you know

obviously somebody got a hold of your phone

Either Siri has really stepped up her sass or someone pulled up Siri and told her "call me Sugartits" on your phone.

Probably a friend of yours. My friend has Siri change my name all the time. I've been "ball scratcher", "butt licker" and "the pope" before. If you have Siri usable without unlocking your phone, then they can change it.

My partner changed my nickname to **** when I wasn't looking, the next day by 1 yr old was playing with my phone and activated Siri ( like she does a lot) and it spoke it nearly called her ****. Safe to say my partner got an abusive text and pissed him self laughing

LMAOOO?? I think one of your friends has played an epic prank on you so I wish you luck on your presumably hilarious journey of finding out who is the culprit!

One time she called me John. First off, I am a girl. Second, I asked her what my name was and she immediately said my actual name.