By Sal - 03/03/2009 18:29 - United States

Today, I asked my girlfriend when she would give me a blowjob. She replied, "you know that won't happen, I'm a vegetarian." FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 047
You deserved it 31 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she ever expects you to go down on her then just reply with sorry you know that won't happen, I'm not a cannibal.

I didn't know consuming bodily fluids was a carnivore activity. Does that mean she doesn't condone french kissing? Unless she equates a ******* to actually biting off a piece off your whatwhat. In that case, you should probably be grateful that she is a vegetarian.


Strawberryswirl, I guess I see your point, but I feel like it's not so black and white. There are a number of reasons why she might not have done it yet... maybe she wants to, but it's the wrong time; maybe she's shy; maybe she's not sure how he feels about it. I don't see a problem with discussing that kind of thing, or asking in a low-pressure kind of situation. That being said, I do have a problem with the way he phrased it ("when will you give me a *******?"). It implies that it's expected of her, and that's creepy and gross.

MajorTom85 0

Yeah, just like these people said. If she's not comfortable with it, it's her choice to say no. Just like it's your choice to dump her ass and find a girl who's not so uptight. Vegetarians are fine, but if you're into that stuff and she isn't then she's not for you. That biatch.

erkdoc 0

Its nothing like eating a dead animal, and it is a great source of protein.

Moooshie 0

yeah, if my girl wouldnt blow me, id be really sad lol. luckily, she eats meat XD

5, 14, and 27: SHUT THE HELL UP! I am vegan, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't give a ********! Get this through your thick little skulls: it was a joke! Obviously she just didn't want to give it, but just because someone is vegetarian or vegan doesn't mean ANYTHING about their sex life. Get over yourself, you perverted, arrogant, egotistical doushebags!

three choices for her: spit, swallow, or get dumped.

That's what you get for dating a vegetable.

IloveComics 0

That's funny. Cute sense of humour, she's obviously not being literal, you know, dick=meat? Vegetarians don't eat meat. It's funny, man. I if was with a guy I would't give him a BJ, ever. No, thank you. He could go to another girl for that. Honestly, I wouldn't do it, and as long as he didn't **** her, he could go to another girl for ********. Your girl is funny, respect that.