By nameless - 12/07/2009 06:45 - United States

Today, I asked the girl I am in love with out on a date. She asked me for my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 288
You deserved it 11 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xerosnake90 0

I'm so sick of people saying the words 'I've known for XXX years' and 'I'm in love with'. I don't care how long you've known someone, you do not love people you aren't in relationships with. Love takes a long time to develop, it's called infatuation.

Well make sure she remembers it this time. Thats if she accepted...


Swagga_man_386 0

I agree with 5, 8, and 10. STEP YO GAME UP SON (sorry for the ghetto mode)

I don't really think you can "love" someone that doesn't know you that well. If she doesn't know your name, you probably haven't talked to her much and therefore haven't learned much about her. That's lust, not love.

How do you love her? It sounds like you've never even spoken. If you just watch somebody and are convinced they're in love with you and you're in love with them, then I am sorry to break it to you but that's by definition stalking.

islaphippos 0

dude you deserve it for obviously being a creepy stalker. maybe trying to get to know her is a better first step

famouslove 0

How are you in love with someone who doesn't even know your

You surely can love someone who doesn't know you, just not the whole person, since there is no way you can know someone whithout that someone knowing you. But yeah, as stated above, it is generally a good idea to introduce yourself before creeping people out :3

No, what you love in that case is the idea you've created in your head of what that person is like, which probably has no correlation with what they are actually like. You don't "love a part of the person" you love what you're projecting on them. The concept is stupid and ridiculous.

Get a grip. You clearly don't know her well enough to be 'in love' with her if she doesn't even know your name. Unless you've been stalking her, in which case I feel that may be a bigger problem...

The word love is thrown around too much these days, People could really do with replacing half of these instances with the word "like" instead, especially in situations like this. If she doesn't know your name, either she has alzheimer's or you deserved it.

waitt waitt waitt. we don't know anything about the girl. he could have a couple of classes with her, and talked/hung out at one point. if she has a myspace, she could have this about me or something saying all this stuff about her, and he might share some of her interests, etc. while maybe "in love" might not be the best term, he could damn well have a thing for this girl. the way shes comes off as, her impression on him, and if she DOES have that myspace, the stuff written that leads him to see her as his type. just blatantly calling him a stalker is NOT necessary, you don't know anything about him or this girl. and this girl could be one of those asshole types, the one you go to class with everyday and might have hung out with you more than once and if someone were to bring you up she'd have no clue who you were. stop assuming. this a deff. FYL. sorry man. therere are plentyy of fishh in the sea :D or if you do go on the date, make a lasting impression ;]

bexox 0

First of all, if they had ever hung out or at least had an extensive conversation, she probably would have at least remembered his name. I'm bad with names, but come on! That means he probably hasn't talked to her past a few words, and can't really know her enough to be "in love". Second, if he's getting to know her mainly through her myspace page or whatever, and assuming she's great for him, that's pretty stalkerish in itself.

What? It's stalkerish to read an about me made by a person that purposely put it there for you to know about them? It's stalkerish if you go through their comments, friends, etc. I feel like I'm getting really off topic here anyway, because we don't even know if the OP or she has a myspace, or this ever happened. My general point was that you could 'love' someone for stuff like that without being a stalker. Though I do agree, maybe love isn't the best term, but if they HAD put "like" this would be spammed with comments such as "WTF" "THIS ISNT AN FML" "WHO CARES", etc.

ithedarkknight 0

lmao this is so stupid she asked you for your name because obviously she doesnt know you... how are you in love with a girl that doesnt even know your name ... lmao your pathetic and im just assuming but im pretty sure she turned you down... this isnt a fml this is a stupid as hell...