By fuckmyassimcold - 14/12/2012 19:19 - United States

Today, I avoided having to wash the dishes by faking a cold. My sucker of a wife believed me and hopped off my balls about it. Later on, after I made a miraculous recovery, she told me to take out the trash. It's freezing outside and raining, and I feel a very real cold coming on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 977
You deserved it 79 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve it just for saying "my sucker of a wife."

feldco1 17

Serves you right; you sound like a dick.


I don't know what's worse...the fact that you faked a cold in order to avoid the dishes, or the fact that you are STILL complaining when all you need to do is walk a bin to the front of your house. It's not like your wife is asking you to run a marathon for her. Jeez...

I moderated this FML. I said yes just to see how right I was with people saying you deserve it, and to click that button myself. Next time just do the chores, dick.

He's not bragging about moderating it; he's saying why he personally said yes to it. Calm down, 23.

galaxystar2 6

You are an absolute pansy if walking out to take the garbage caused you to get a cold. Turn in your balls, they've been revoked.

If you hate doing the dishes so much, buy your wife a dishwasher. And prepare to take my foot up your, ass you lazy lying ass.

Colds are not received by temperature or water

CharresBarkrey 15

Thank you! I can't believe how many people think they can actually get a cold just from cold weather or rain.

jezalfa_ 12

Man up. Your wife is just asking you to do simple task that take no more than a good 30 minutes. YDI.