By Lyn - 06/07/2012 22:14 - France

Today, I discovered that I'm adopted. How? After a great lunch, I asked my uncle how he'd made the salad dressing. He replied, "Haha! It's a secret family recipe, my dear!" I wouldn't have thought twice about it, were it not for my parents' shocked expressions, and the long, awkward silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 259
You deserved it 2 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

If I ever adopted children, I wouldn't hide it from them until they were that old :( I'd make sure they knew as they were growing up that I had chosen to raise them, even though I wasn't their biological mommy, because I loved them. I'm sorry you had to find out at your age, OP. I know you must have been very upset.

SweetSora 2

That's a sucky way to find out...


Someone won't learn how to make the dressing! Fyl tho. Parents shouldn't keep that secret

Hope ya liked the salad dressing :} but sorry op that sucks :(

perdix 29

It's tricky to make that "special" mayonnaise. It's a lot of fun, but it's also *lowers sunglasses* hard ;)

You're, without a doubt, the only person who can use the *lowers sunglasses* thing.

I can't do it. I wear glasses. I can remove my glasses, though! *removes glasses* ****, I'M BLIND. *Replaces glasses*

So was my Dad. I know the shock is hard to take, especially out of the blue, but try to think of it this way: they loved you enough to specifically choose you to be a part of their family. I hope that helps OP!

I don't see why you'd be shocked to find out your dad was adopted nearly as much as finding out you yourself are adopted...

I wasn't shocked, the only shock I was referencing was the OP's possible shock. Thank you

dellis44 7

he probably didn't mean it to hurt you. besides, you have parents who are obviously honest with you, don't get to down on yourself.

Obviously not, since they've lied to OP her whole life about something so huge...

I still wouldn't have picked up on it - even with the stares.

that's a sin. but I bet your parents wound tell you tho, just because your not blood, doesn't mean your not family :)

BubbleGrunge 18

Just curious but how exactly is being adopted or adopting a child a sin?

perdix 29

Yeah, I don't really get it, either (ee). I'm not sure what adoption has to do with it.

onorexveritas 23

im adopted, i've known my whole life... but they're my family. no one else

There is nothing wrong with being adopted. It might have been for the best. Your biological parents might have struggled financially and couldn't afford a(nother) kid.