By Lyn - 06/07/2012 22:14 - France

Today, I discovered that I'm adopted. How? After a great lunch, I asked my uncle how he'd made the salad dressing. He replied, "Haha! It's a secret family recipe, my dear!" I wouldn't have thought twice about it, were it not for my parents' shocked expressions, and the long, awkward silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 259
You deserved it 2 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

If I ever adopted children, I wouldn't hide it from them until they were that old :( I'd make sure they knew as they were growing up that I had chosen to raise them, even though I wasn't their biological mommy, because I loved them. I'm sorry you had to find out at your age, OP. I know you must have been very upset.

SweetSora 2

That's a sucky way to find out...


ThisIsJoee 4

Today, my brother accidentally told my daughter she was adopted. How? Over a conversation about salad dressing. FML

Unless your parents have confirmed you're adopted I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. Sounds more like they were embarrassed by what uncle pervo said that you probably just didn't get... E.g. OP: "Wow uncle Steve, how'd you make that special sauce!?!" OP's uncle: "Ha ha, that's a secret family recipe, my dear!"

I believe the mods may have edited the story. If I read it correctly, OP found out just before this episode that she was adopted, and then the uncle made his gaffe. The edited version is more subtle, but certainly makes the uncle look like a moron. Oh you sly mods.

And I do believe I either misread it or misremember it. God damn it, I think I lost some brain cells somewhere along the... Ooh, look! A puppy!

All I did was add back the "How?" after the first sentence, as it was in the original French. For some reason, some people were struggling with basic reading comprehension and needed it spelled out more blatantly.

I think it's time to break out the "Learn your basic ABC's and reading comprehension" by Elmo and friends.

now the hard part is done. It seems your family loves you so it shouldn't change a thing. I wish you the best

You might need to talk to your parents about something op.

yoyoyolol08 5

You should steal that bastard's salad dressing and run

That doesn't exactly mean your adopted...

Sorry about finding out that way but does your uncle not consider you "family" just because you're adopted? This is how I read into his statement.

It's really awkward when you're out at dinner with your best friend and her family and her brother gets mad and yells "I can't believe mom picked you to adopt!" ..yeah I had to get a to go box and spend my night comforting her. :/