By Physics fail. - 11/11/2009 19:09 - United States

Today, I finished up my physics project. I had to make some thing out of toothpicks and glue that will keep an egg from breaking when dropped 20 feet. It took me 10 hours to make it, but only took my dad 10 seconds to step on it and break it. It's due tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 756
You deserved it 4 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LemonFairy 0

FAIL people. Re-read the FML. It's for physics, and must be made of toothpicks and glue. Toothpicks and glue. Have that key fact down? Good.


Almost an FML,but unless your dad's Bigfoot, 200 feet tall,walks on tables or all of the above,YDI for leaving it on the floor.

Now why the hell did you leave it somewhere your pops could walk on it? @_@

YDI, You Said it was suppose to withstand 20 feet, and it broke after only 1 foot. You suck.

Why was your dad walking on the table? Or rather, why were you the numb nuts that had it on the floor?

His dad probably wanted to ''test'' if the egg would withstand his foot, right after he has seen it falling from 20 feet.

I'm trying to figure out how half of you managed to use a computer. First of all this person is most likely in high school, not elementary school, I'm pretty sure the grading standard is higher so quit trying to compare it to the project you did in second grade especial since nearly everyone of you said something about using foam when it has been stated multiple times that they could only use toothpicks and glue. Second the whole 10 seconds thing was just to make a point about the small amount of time it took their dad to ruin the project compared to how long it took to make it you really didn't need to take that part so litterally.

Exactly what I wanted to say. Apparently, most of the people replying failed the reading comprehension part of their SATs.

mouseclicks 0

THANK YOU SO MUCH. You took the words right out of my mouth. In agreement with this x100!

To everyone saying "YDI for leaving it on the floor": some constructions like that can't be kept anywhere BUT on the floor. People tend to use tables for EATING on and the family probably couldn't really have dinner at the table with a physics project sitting on it. Get your dad to write a note saying he broke it.

fyl. idt op deserved it. they probably took a quick break leaving the project where they worked on it and unfortunately it got stepped on. besides if the op's dad posted an fml saying he broke op's project everyone would be telling him he deserved it for not watching where he was going.

do youguys think before insulting him about leaving it on the floor that he couldve been testing it out?

Hey peoples, I don't think it takes his daddy 10 full seconds to take a step, what if his dad was walking and got his foot stuck in the project, and it took him 10 seconds to get the project off his foot, thus destroying it in 10 seconds?