By Physics fail. - 11/11/2009 19:09 - United States

Today, I finished up my physics project. I had to make some thing out of toothpicks and glue that will keep an egg from breaking when dropped 20 feet. It took me 10 hours to make it, but only took my dad 10 seconds to step on it and break it. It's due tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 756
You deserved it 4 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LemonFairy 0

FAIL people. Re-read the FML. It's for physics, and must be made of toothpicks and glue. Toothpicks and glue. Have that key fact down? Good.


seesee971 0

Awwwww lol maybe leave it on a tab;e next time?

Wlollpop 0

it took your dad 10 seconds to take one step?

Your dad should help you put it back together. 

bdewitt1 0

I remember doing this project as well. I constructed mine in 20 minutes. I failed epically; the key, as I recall, is to spread the toothpicks out to allow the outside toothpicks to break and absorb the collision impact. You should be able to salvage the damage; don't put as much glue the second time around to allow for proper drying time.

LemonFairy 0

First, it's clear that almost everybody who commented did NOT fully read the FML: the project HAD to be made of toothpicks and glue. As somebody who had to make a whole tower that was to support ten times its weight out of uncooked spaghetti and Elmer's white glue ONLY last year I feel your pain OP. I can understand why it would be on the floor, too, if it was a project or mechanism that was larger. (Not sure if you're putting the egg in the project and then dropping the project like most people seem to think, but the wording suggested, at least to me, that you were dropping the egg /into/ it.) FYL. Hope you did okay on the project regardless.

ooohlife 0

i did that in 3rd grade and wrapped the egg in bubble wrap! it's super easy and my egg was fine!

#61 did you not look at #59's comment? I had to do that project too. And it HAS to be done out of toothpicks and Glue. Mine was quite large(not sure is OP is the same) and had I put it on a table then it would be in the way. I put mine in a corner of the room.

I couldn't imagine the OP's could be that big and his dad still end up stepping on it! Unless he meant to....I mean he did step on it for 10 seconds. HAHA YOUR DAD HATES YOU!!!!!

It took him 10 seconds to step on something? Was he walking in slow motion, or what?

kmoney66 0

Oooo that sux, u mean like the egg drop i did in like 4th grade that took me like 10 mins to make, quit ur whining

coldplaylive2003 0

it's supposed to support an egg after being dropped 20 ft and it couldn't even survive your dads weight fail

BubblesB123 0

Did you make is with uncle Jessie or Joey?