By Physics fail. - 11/11/2009 19:09 - United States

Today, I finished up my physics project. I had to make some thing out of toothpicks and glue that will keep an egg from breaking when dropped 20 feet. It took me 10 hours to make it, but only took my dad 10 seconds to step on it and break it. It's due tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 756
You deserved it 4 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LemonFairy 0

FAIL people. Re-read the FML. It's for physics, and must be made of toothpicks and glue. Toothpicks and glue. Have that key fact down? Good.


mouseclicks 0

Holy shit, I just went through almost the exact same thing as you a week ago. Physics - same project, and everything. Toothpicks, and glue only. What are the chances? :) But, I was desperate enough to win in my period, so I became over-confident and pre-tested my container. The egg survived, the container...not so much. :( And I didn't have enough time to rebuild the crushed parts on the bottom-left for the next morning. But, dear god. What is with all of the retards on FML. He said the only materials allowed were toothpicks and glue. Honestly, we don't care or give a **** how special you feel, or how much you want to brag about that super duper project you made in 5th grade. In the U.S. (or at least Cali, where I'm taking my physics course), Physics is typically an 11th grade class! Obviously, it's going to be plenty more complicated that your stupid elementary school project. It's already been repeated 20 times in the comments, and in the OP itself that the ONLY MATERIALS ALLOWED WERE TOOTHPICKS AND GLUE. This challenged the student to be able to calculate impact force, incorporate the velocity formula with the displacement from when its dropped, mass, and determine/ estimate how their container will protect the egg. My project also took several hours like the OP. All of you kiddies who think it's so easy, just because you attached a ******* parachute or stuck in some styrofoam around your egg in 3rd grade, GET OVER IT. 11 grade physics in comparison to you stupid elementary school project which was 10x easier. TOOTHPICKS AND GLUE ONLY, YOU ******* RETARDS. God. I'm still in disbelief how stupid so many of you are (not to mention, so many of you trying to call the OP a dumbass can't even spell, rofl. Read carefully next time.)

Shuinoshina 0

He is a dumbass, you dumbass. He left his shit on the floor to get stepped on by his father, so he deserves it. Also TL;DR, no one cares about your rants and butt-hurt.

You should see this as an opportunity; now you actually have a reason to kill that father of yours.

Illyssa_fml 4

haha! wow some ppl don't know how to read. The assignment had to be done with only toothpicks and glue..not balloons or foam or anything soft. Toothpicks and glue!! haha.

I have the same thing my sister broke mine she's 12

it took him 10 seconds to put his foot on the floor?

I did this in HS, if u put that much work into it in the first place you did it wrong